报章编辑 newspaper editor
报贩 newspaper vendors
报纸总编辑 newspaper‘s chief editor
新闻编辑室、新闻编辑部 newsroom
次世代网络 Next Generation Network (NGN)
壹周刊 Next Magazine
台湾壹周刊 Next Taiwan
五丰行 Ng Fung Hong
牛池湾 Ngau Chi Wan
鳌磡石 Ngau Hom Shek
牛尾海 Ngau Mei Hoi/Port Shelter
牛头角 Ngau Tau Kok
报贩 newspaper vendors
报纸总编辑 newspaper‘s chief editor
新闻编辑室、新闻编辑部 newsroom
次世代网络 Next Generation Network (NGN)
壹周刊 Next Magazine
台湾壹周刊 Next Taiwan
五丰行 Ng Fung Hong
牛池湾 Ngau Chi Wan
鳌磡石 Ngau Hom Shek
牛尾海 Ngau Mei Hoi/Port Shelter
牛头角 Ngau Tau Kok
昂坪 Ngong Ping
昂船洲 Ngong Suen Chau/Stonecutters Island
尼加拉瓜(马那瓜) Nicaragua(Managua)
尼日尔(尼亚美) Niger(Niamey)
夜景 nighttime view
他最近跟 Nike签下一纸四千五百万美元的代言人合约。He recently inked a $45 million endorsement deal with Nike.
头脑敏捷的侦探 nimble detective
九个月停止卖地 nine-month moratorium on land sales
九虾 Nine-striped Shrimp
日本电报电话公司 Nippon Telegraph Telephone (简称 NTT )
十号飓风讯号 No 10 hurricane signal
谈判无成果 no agreement was reached
没有人被捕。 No arrests had been made.
不会就四月二十日非法游行抗议学费一事起诉(学生) no charges would be laid against them over an unauthorised protest on April 20 against tuition fees
本季不派息。 No dividend payout was recommended for the quarter.
不派中期息。 No interim dividend was recommended.
不再对邻国构成威胁 no longer a threat to his neighbours
(车票)不再通用 no longer be valid
不会再兴建居屋。 No more HOS flats would be built.
未有组织承认责任。 No one claimed responsibility.
火警中无人受伤。 No one has been injured by the
没有人受伤。 No one was injured.
身上并无其它伤痕。 No other wounds were found on the body.
从没支付赎金 no ransom has been paid
现场无争执痕迹,死者财物无被抢去。 No signs of struggle were found and his belongings were not stolen.
不加税 no tax hikes
所有老师不得向学生施行体罚 no teacher shall administer corporal punishment to a pupil
疫苗最快在明年三月才面世。 No vaccines
诺贝尔得奖演说 Nobel acceptance speech
诺贝尔和平奖得主贝洛主教 Nobel peace laureate Bishop Carlos Belo