将压着私家车的货车吊起 lift the truck off the car
取消中国的进口配额 lifted quotas on Chinese imports
撤除旅游限制 lifting travel restrictions
轻铁 Light Rail
(以色列执政)利库德集团 Likud party
鲜百合 lily bulbs
四肢 limbs
减少对附近居民所造成的滋扰 limit disruption to people living nearby
避免把争论的范围扩大/减少分化 limit the scope of contention
限制政党的发展空间 limited the scope for political parties to develop
限量版的罐头 limited-edition cans
限量版饰针 limited-edition pins
取消中国的进口配额 lifted quotas on Chinese imports
撤除旅游限制 lifting travel restrictions
轻铁 Light Rail
(以色列执政)利库德集团 Likud party
鲜百合 lily bulbs
四肢 limbs
减少对附近居民所造成的滋扰 limit disruption to people living nearby
避免把争论的范围扩大/减少分化 limit the scope of contention
限制政党的发展空间 limited the scope for political parties to develop
限量版的罐头 limited-edition cans
限量版饰针 limited-edition pins
限制公司造成温室效应气体的排放量 limits its greenhouse-gas emissions
一瘸一拐地走 limp
线码 Line code
线路回接 Line Loopback
岭南大学(岭大) Lingnan University
领汇主席郑明训 Link chief Paul Cheng Ming-fun
领汇房地产信托基金 Link Reit/Link Real Estate Investment Trust
薪酬和表现挂钩 linking pay to performance/linking pay with performance
狮子山 Lion Rock
狮子山隧道 Lion Rock Tunnel
狮子山隧道公路 Lion Rock Tunnel Road
护唇膏/润唇膏 lip balm
表面文章 lip service; surface formality
立顿黄牌红茶 Lipton Yellow Label Tea
科技龙头股(盈动) listed technology flagship
把北韩人民共和国到为邪恶轴心国之一 listed the DPRK as part of the "axis of evil"
将地下铁路公司部分股分以公开招股形式上市 listing a minority stake in the MTRC on the stock market
烧炭 lit a charcoal burner
文学批评家 literary critic
锂离子电池/锂电 lithium ion battery
立陶宛(维尔纽斯) Lithuania(Vilnius)
诉讼当事人 litigants
垃圾虫 litter lout/litterbug(AmE)
在某地掉垃圾 litter somewhere
小指/尾指 little finger
鲜为人知的 little-known
廖创兴银行 Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd.
中共中央统战部部长刘延东 Liu Yandong, director of the Communist Party‘s United Front Work Department
活生生的动物 live animals
生鸡 live chickens