已经派上电台,并得到好评 is already getting airplay and good reviews
同时着眼自由行内地客的市场 is also focusing on the individual mainland traveller market
被那段新闻吓坏 is appalled at the news
得到特首挽留 is asked by the Chief Executive to stay on
逃避问责 is avoiding accountability
候审 is awaiting trial
破了出版界的初版数量纪录 is believed to be the biggest initial print run in publishing history
封路 is closed to traffic
有利维持香港繁荣稳定 is conducive to safeguarding the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong
正考虑进一步延长公众咨询期 is considering further extending the public consultation period
正全力协助调查 is cooperating with the
把休旅车工厂的生产量提升一倍 is doubling capacity at its SUV facility
同时着眼自由行内地客的市场 is also focusing on the individual mainland traveller market
被那段新闻吓坏 is appalled at the news
得到特首挽留 is asked by the Chief Executive to stay on
逃避问责 is avoiding accountability
候审 is awaiting trial
破了出版界的初版数量纪录 is believed to be the biggest initial print run in publishing history
封路 is closed to traffic
有利维持香港繁荣稳定 is conducive to safeguarding the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong
正考虑进一步延长公众咨询期 is considering further extending the public consultation period
正全力协助调查 is cooperating with the
把休旅车工厂的生产量提升一倍 is doubling capacity at its SUV facility
向平民投掷子母弹 is dropping cluster bombs on civilian targets
预期将在会议里获得通过并纳入党章 is expected to be approved and written into the party constitution at the congress
熟悉政府运作 is familiar with the operations of the government
适合人类食用 is fit for human consumption
由某人独力承担所有费用 is fully financed by somebody
对某人健康有害 is hazardous to
染上登革热而入院 is in hospital with dengue fever
最初只允播放教育和娱乐节目 is initially be permitted to beam only educational and entertainment programmes
被国际社会孤立 is isolated in the international community
被隔离/入住隔离病房 is kept in
保持无菌 is kept sterilized
对他的能力失去信心 is losing faith in his ability
对港人更负责 is more accountable to the people of Hong Kong
正在商谈新的还款日程 is negotiating a new repayment schedule
不合时宜 is no longer suitable
我们不会为……提供保养服务/无保养 is not covered by our warranty
保险公司不会作出赔偿 is not insured
不是弹指间可完成的事 is not something that can be done in the click of a finger
不是经空气传播 is not transmitted by
只是假咨询 is not true consultation
目前在拘留所服刑 is now doing time in
现正住院接受治疗 is now in hospital
下台压力势将越来越大 is now likely to come under increased pressure to resign
现已登上杂志封面 is now magazine-cover
数字在上升 is on the rise
脱离危险期 is out of danger
有累积假期 is owed leave
热衷于某事 is passionate about something
由八百人组成的选举委员会选出 is picked by an 800-member election committee
百病缠身 is pursued by countless