推出转乘优惠 introduce bus transfer discounts
在香港单方面改变选举模式 introduce electoral changes in Hong Kong unilaterally
推出新措施刺激本地楼市 introduce new measures to stimulate the local property market
在公众场所禁烟 introduces a ban on smoking in
引入公众利益作为抗辩理由 introducing a public interest defence
引入中央屠宰制度 introducing a system of central
干涉他的私生活 intruding on his private life
侵犯私隐 invade people‘s privacy/threaten privacy
发明一种自杀方法 inventing a method of
投资豪宅 invest in luxury flats
在中国西北部投资 invest in the Northwest
在内地投资风力发电 invest in wind energy on the mainland
在香港单方面改变选举模式 introduce electoral changes in Hong Kong unilaterally
推出新措施刺激本地楼市 introduce new measures to stimulate the local property market
在公众场所禁烟 introduces a ban on smoking in
引入公众利益作为抗辩理由 introducing a public interest defence
引入中央屠宰制度 introducing a system of central
干涉他的私生活 intruding on his private life
侵犯私隐 invade people‘s privacy/threaten privacy
发明一种自杀方法 inventing a method of
投资豪宅 invest in luxury flats
在中国西北部投资 invest in the Northwest
在内地投资风力发电 invest in wind energy on the mainland
投资十亿元研发太阳能科技 invested $1 billion in solar-energy technology
调查一宗怀疑食物中毒个案 investigate a possible
调查意外起因 investigate the cause of the accident
调查起火原因 investigate the cause of the fire
调查行凶动机 investigated the motive
调查政府面对非典型肺炎的处理手法 investigating the government‘s handling of the Sars outbreak
调查人员仍在搜索直升机残骸。 Investigators were
投资移民 Investment immigrants/investment immigration
投资者越来越怀疑电讯盈科的还债能力。 Investors have become increasingly sceptical about CyberWorks‘ ability to service its debt.
监考员 invigilator
无形出口/进口 invisible exports/imports; Invisible exports are services such as banking, insurance and tourism that are sent from one country to another.
招标承投六个车站月台幕门的详细设计及加装工程 invited tenders for the design of platform-screen doors to be installed at six stations
试管胚胎 in-vitro embryos
主张以牙还牙 invoked the principle of reciprocity
包括超过三百枚对准台湾的导弹 involves more than 300 missiles pointed at Taiwan
网络封包交换协议 IPX
伊朗(德黑兰) Iran(Tehran)
在伊朗,改革运动近年遭到残酷打压。 Iran‘s reform movement has been brutally suppressed in recent years.
伊朗总统哈塔米 Iranian President Mohammad Khatami
两伊战争 Iran-Iraq war
伊拉克(巴格达) Iraq(Baghdad)
伊拉克武装分子昨日释放八名中国人质。 Iraqi militants released eight Chinese hostages yesterday.
爱尔兰(都柏林) Ireland(Dublin)
铱计划 Iridium System
爱尔兰共和军 Irish Republic Army (IRA)
铁腕政策 ironfisted conduct
不负责任的言论 irresponsible remarks
不留情面的/犯颜 irreverent
考评局主席顾尔言 Irving Koo Yee-yin, chairman of the Hong Kong Examinations Assessment Authority
对某物敏感 is allergic to something