环保购物袋 environmentally friendly shopping bags
对环境无害的 environmentally friendly/green (a); green products
预见、设想、估计 envisaged (vt)(vi); I don‘t envisage working with him again./ I can‘t envisage her coping with this job./It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring./I don‘t envisage any major problems.
订定各家院校户角色分工/规管各家院校角色 envisaging specific roles for each university
使节 envoy; An envoy is someone who is sent to another country as an official representative. An emissary is someone who is sent with an official message or to do special work, often secretly./A special envoy was sent to try to secure the release of the hostag
麻黄(提取麻黄素) ephedra
(传染病)爆发 epidemic/outbreak
平等接续 Equal Access
设备辨识记录器 Equipment Identity Register (简称 EIR )
参股者 equity participant
消灭(病菌) eradicate
勃起组织 erectile tissue
对环境无害的 environmentally friendly/green (a); green products
预见、设想、估计 envisaged (vt)(vi); I don‘t envisage working with him again./ I can‘t envisage her coping with this job./It is envisaged that the talks will take place in the spring./I don‘t envisage any major problems.
订定各家院校户角色分工/规管各家院校角色 envisaging specific roles for each university
使节 envoy; An envoy is someone who is sent to another country as an official representative. An emissary is someone who is sent with an official message or to do special work, often secretly./A special envoy was sent to try to secure the release of the hostag
麻黄(提取麻黄素) ephedra
(传染病)爆发 epidemic/outbreak
平等接续 Equal Access
设备辨识记录器 Equipment Identity Register (简称 EIR )
参股者 equity participant
消灭(病菌) eradicate
勃起组织 erectile tissue
竖立肌 erector muscle
影响编辑自主 erode his editorial autonomy/interfered with the editorial independence
误入歧途的 errant
无错误秒 Error Free Second
误码秒 Errored Second (简称 ES )
掩人耳目 escape detection
逃生门 escape doors
逃过刺杀 escaped assassination
爬窗出去再从阳台跳下逃生 escaped by climbing
未有因为游行抗议学费而被起诉 escaped prosecution over a tuition fee rally
侥幸没受重伤 escaped serious injury
避过大量便衣警员的搜捕行动 escaped the huge undercover dragnet
间谍活动 espionage activities/spying activities
离英格兰超级联赛开锣只余两周,有线电视终于和 ESPN达成协议,来季可以直播英格兰超级联赛。各位球迷终于可以松一口气了。
成立扶贫委员会 establish a commission to alleviate poverty
实行根据市场需求、有管理的、浮动的汇率制度 establish a market-based, managed and floating exchange rate
及早抢占未来的通讯标准的市场 establish an important early foothold in the telecom standard for the future
确立「以民为本」的施政理念 establish the vision of "people-based" governance
建立了新的全球经济秩序 established a new global economic order
建交 established diplomatic ties/establish diplomatic relations
地产代理 estate agents/property agents
爱沙尼亚(塔林) Estonia(Tallinn)
永生 eternal life
以太网络调制解调器 Ethernet modem
埃塞俄比亚(阿的斯亚贝巴) Ethiopia(Addis Ababa)
种族清洗 ethnic cleansing
被指由 ETIM进行的恐怖袭击活动some of the terror strikes ascribed to ETIM
欧盟 EU (European Union)
幼法拉底河 Euphrates
欧元 euro