吃偏饭 enjoy special privilege
享有高度自治 enjoyed a high degree of autonomy
获得美国资助 enjoys patronage of the US
增强他们的政治影响力 enlarge their political influence
把选举委员会扩大至三千人 enlarging the Election Committee to 3,000 members or more
金菇 enoki mushroom
巨型玻璃天幕 enormous glass canopy
激怒中国政府 enraged Beijing
增益课程 enrichment courses
强调江主席的三个代表理论乃立党之本 enshrining Mr Jiang‘s theory of ‘‘Three Representatives‘‘ in the party constitution
确保粤港之间货流畅通 ensure a smooth flow of cargo between Guangdong and Hong Kong
确保动物得到人道对待 ensure animals are humanely treated
享有高度自治 enjoyed a high degree of autonomy
获得美国资助 enjoys patronage of the US
增强他们的政治影响力 enlarge their political influence
把选举委员会扩大至三千人 enlarging the Election Committee to 3,000 members or more
金菇 enoki mushroom
巨型玻璃天幕 enormous glass canopy
激怒中国政府 enraged Beijing
增益课程 enrichment courses
强调江主席的三个代表理论乃立党之本 enshrining Mr Jiang‘s theory of ‘‘Three Representatives‘‘ in the party constitution
确保粤港之间货流畅通 ensure a smooth flow of cargo between Guangdong and Hong Kong
确保动物得到人道对待 ensure animals are humanely treated
确保政府落实执行政策 ensure effective implementation of policies
保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas
确保政府运作顺利 ensure smooth operation of the government
确保不会有青少年因贫穷而失学 ensure that no young person will be deprived of education for lack of financial means
保证决策的科学化和民主化 ensure the decision-making more scientific and democratic
确保政府能够妥善响应社会的诉求 ensure the Government can better respond to the demands of the community
确保(维兰托)就东渧汶屠杀事件得到公平审讯 ensure the inquiry into abuses committed in East Timor proceeded without any suggestion of bias
保证物流畅通 ensure unimpeded flow of goods and materials
确保你的硬盘和电邮不会受到计算机病毒感染 ensure your hard drive and e-mail are not infected
确保平稳过渡 ensuring a smooth post-handover transition
保证法律面前人人平等 ensuring that all are equal before the law
进入你的世界 enter in your life
两年前入行 entered the profession two years ago
短期内入市 entering the market in the short term
肠球菌 Enterococci
娱乐版 entertainment section
娱乐场所 entertainment venues
十分顽固的 entrenched
入学试 entry examination
入门级的 entry-level
波封延迟失真 Envelope Delay Distortion
环境运输及工务局 Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
环境污染物 environmental contaminants
环保团体 environmental groups/green groups
环境影响评估条例 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance
环境保护署 Environmental Protection Department
环保产业 environmental protection industry
环境保护学者、环保人士 environmentalist/conservationist
环保用料 environmentally friendly material
环保月饼盒 environmentally friendly mooncake boxes