结束某人的窘境 end somebody‘s predicament
结束外交僵局 end the diplomatic stalemate
危害国家安全和国家利益 endangers national security and national interest
不再审查教科书 ended textbook censorship
结束慢驶行动 ended their ‘‘go-slow" drive
上升百分四收四点五五元 ended up four per cent at $4.55
停止大幅补助农民 ending massive subsidies to farmers
内分泌学家 endocrinologist
约满酬金 end-of-contract gratuities
储蓄保险 endowment insurance
养老保单、储蓄保险 endowment policy
末期肾衰竭病人 end-stage kidney
结束外交僵局 end the diplomatic stalemate
危害国家安全和国家利益 endangers national security and national interest
不再审查教科书 ended textbook censorship
结束慢驶行动 ended their ‘‘go-slow" drive
上升百分四收四点五五元 ended up four per cent at $4.55
停止大幅补助农民 ending massive subsidies to farmers
内分泌学家 endocrinologist
约满酬金 end-of-contract gratuities
储蓄保险 endowment insurance
养老保单、储蓄保险 endowment policy
末期肾衰竭病人 end-stage kidney
每星期要工作九十小时 endure 90-hour weeks
长期受到父母和祖父的身心虐待 endured physical and psychological abuse from his parents and grandfather
能源成本 energy costs
能源专家预测油价不太可能跌至每桶三十美元以下。 Energy experts predict that oil is unlikely to fall to less than $30 per barrel.
能源价格 energy prices
秉公执法 enforce laws impartially
让某人有投票权 enfranchise somebody
火车头 engine/locomotive
昨日操纵股市,令股市暴跌 engineering yesterday‘s stocks plunge
英基学校协会 English Schools Foundation (ESF)
英文中学 English secondary schools
英文教科书 English textbooks
英文基准试 English-language benchmark assessment test
同时增强两种病毒的传染性和毒性 enhance
加强问责 enhance accountability
让市民更了解强积金 enhance people‘s understanding of the MPF
资源增值 enhance productivity
增强社会凝聚力 enhance social cohesion
提升青少年的竞争力 enhance the competitiveness of young people
助长政府对某事的管制 enhance the Government‘s control over something
提高学生学习质素、保证学生基本水平 enhance the quality of students‘ learning and to ensure basic standards
镇压全球恐怖分子,以加强美国和盟国的安全 enhance the security of the U.S. and its allies by cracking down on global terrorists
提高师资 enhance/upgrade the quality of teachers
强化群体呼叫 Enhanced Group Call (简称 EGC )
改善家居及社区照顾服务 Enhanced Home and Community Care Services
资源增值计划 Enhanced Productivity Programme
加快儿童智力成长/加快儿童智力发展 enhances a child‘s intellectual growth/prod children‘s intellectual growth
提高行政效率 enhancing administrative efficiency
提高管治质素 enhancing the quality of governance
收生时有更大自由度 enjoy more freedom in enrolling students