没有做定期检查 do not have regular
没有要求她们的固定性伴侣使用安全套 do not insist
没有报警 do not lodge reports with the police/did
不介意有婚前性行为 do not mind having
无需工作经验 do not require work experience
母语不是英语 do not speak English as their first tongue
更有技巧地做配票工作 do the allocation of votes in a more skillful manner
任劳任怨 do with no complaints
扩充基座 docking station
经营了全球最早的3G网络,一年来,其4320万的用户当中,仅有0.3%用户转用3G. A year after launching the world‘s first 3G network, only 0.3% of DoCoMo‘s 42.3 million subscribers have migrated to 3G services. DoCoMo
医生投诉工作越来越繁重。 Doctors have
(宗教)支派 doctrinal offshoots
没有要求她们的固定性伴侣使用安全套 do not insist
没有报警 do not lodge reports with the police/did
不介意有婚前性行为 do not mind having
无需工作经验 do not require work experience
母语不是英语 do not speak English as their first tongue
更有技巧地做配票工作 do the allocation of votes in a more skillful manner
任劳任怨 do with no complaints
扩充基座 docking station
经营了全球最早的3G网络,一年来,其4320万的用户当中,仅有0.3%用户转用3G. A year after launching the world‘s first 3G network, only 0.3% of DoCoMo‘s 42.3 million subscribers have migrated to 3G services. DoCoMo
医生投诉工作越来越繁重。 Doctors have
(宗教)支派 doctrinal offshoots
惩办主义 doctrine of punishment
中庸之道 Doctrine of the Mean
不拥载三权分立的概念 does not believe in the separation of powers into three branches
预期香港来年仍不能走出通缩 does not expect Hong Kong to escape deflation in the next year
狗噬人事件 dog attack
捉狗队 dog catchers
(渔农处的)捉狗队 Dog Control unit officers
自制的手镯和脚镯 do-it-yourself bracelets and anklets
失业救济金 dole payment
澳洲元 dollar (Australia), $
加拿大元 dollar (Canada), $
港元 dollar (Hong Kong), $
新西兰元 dollar (New Zealand), $
新加坡元 dollar (Singapore), $
网域名称 Domain Name
网域名称服务 Domain Name Service (简称 DNS )
网域名称系统 Domain Name System (简称 DNS )
住宅污水 domestic effluents
国内市场/本地市场/本土市场 domestic market
出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports
国内卫星通信业务 Domestic Satellite Communications Service (简称 DOMSAT )
本地旅客 domestic tourists
自行研制的「经国」号战机 domestically developed IDF fighters
优势业者 Dominant Carrier
最大电讯公司 dominant telecoms operator
控制立会大部分议席 dominates the legislature
多米尼加共和国(圣多明各) Dominican Republic(Santo Domingo)
大学教师 don
勿干扰 Don‘t Disturb
得不到家人和社会尊重 don‘t get respect from their family and society