不想释法 don‘t want a legal interpretation
不想他们的另一半知道他们身在何方 don‘t want to let their other half know where they are
捐五百万元给慈善机构 donate $5 million to charity
捐赠给慈善机构 donating them to a charity
捐助本地大学,回馈社会 donating to local universities as a means of repaying the community
筹款箱 donation boxes
政府昨日宣布,护盾行动的捐款可作扣税用。 Donations to Project Shield were declared tax-deductible yesterday.
当归(防经前不适) dong quai
东沙群岛 Dongsha Quandao/Pratas Island
器官捐赠卡 donor cards
尸位素餐的政客 do-nothing politicians
末日教派 doomsday cults/apocalyptic religions
不想他们的另一半知道他们身在何方 don‘t want to let their other half know where they are
捐五百万元给慈善机构 donate $5 million to charity
捐赠给慈善机构 donating them to a charity
捐助本地大学,回馈社会 donating to local universities as a means of repaying the community
筹款箱 donation boxes
政府昨日宣布,护盾行动的捐款可作扣税用。 Donations to Project Shield were declared tax-deductible yesterday.
当归(防经前不适) dong quai
东沙群岛 Dongsha Quandao/Pratas Island
器官捐赠卡 donor cards
尸位素餐的政客 do-nothing politicians
末日教派 doomsday cults/apocalyptic religions
鼻梁 dorsum of nose
溺爱子女 dote on their children
双面间谍 double agent
双层芝士孖堡 Double Cheeseburger
把非本地学生的学额增加一倍 double their quota of non-local students
双层巴士 double-decker bus
隔音玻璃窗 double-glazed windows
两面夹击 double-pronged attack
质疑捐钱人士的动机 doubt the motives of philanthropists
淋上汽油点火自焚 doused himself with gasoline and
自淋火水,引火自焚 doused themselves
以水救火 dousing the flames
把甲骨文的前景评级由稳定调低至负面 downgraded the firm‘s outlook for Oracle from stable to negative
调低中国经济增长预测 downgrading China‘s growth outlook
下传 Downlink
下载未经授权软件 downloading fake software
掩饰疫情 downplay the epidemic
美化日本战争暴行 downplaying Japan‘s wartime atrocities
嫁妆 dowry
民进党竞选总部 DPP election headquarters
民进党秘书长邱义仁 DPP secretary-general and chief strategist Chiu Yi-jen
民进党的死忠支持者 DPP‘s diehard supporters
何大一 Dr David Ho Da-i
告未有遵守隔离令的人。 Dr Fung said 33
高医生回想起做手术前所面对的两难。 Dr Goh recalled
香港医学会副会长劳永乐 Dr Lo
香港大学防止自杀研究中心总监叶兆辉 Dr Paul Yip
杨永强是董建华新创的高官问责制下,第三位因公众压力而请辞的问责局长。 Dr Yeoh was the third minister under Mr Tung‘s new ministerial system to resign under public pressure.
53岁的杨永强,是继律政司司长梁爱诗后,第二位非公务员出身的局长级官员。 Dr Yeoh, 53, will be the second "outsider" to head a policy bureau, following Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung Oi-sie.
政府以三年合约聘请杨永强,月薪为首长级第八级。 Dr Yeoh‘s appointment will be on a three-year contract on D8 pay scale.