在弥撒中捣乱 disrupting a Mass
对政府不满意的人仍然相当多,占受访人数的百分之五十三,只有三成九受访者表示满意。 Dissatisfaction towards the Government remained high at 53 per cent, compared to the 39 per cent for those satisfied.
不满意自己的外表 dissatisfied with their appearance
部分平息了市民对政府的愤怒 dissipating some of the public anger levelled at the administration
不参与袭击 dissociated itself from the raids
解散立法会 dissolve the Legislative Council
冲剂 dissolved medicines; instant herbal medicines
遥距教育 distance education
遥距教学 distance learning/on-line classes
疏远草根阶层 distancing itself from grassroots issues
特殊的自主权 distinctive autonomous powers
杰出学者 distinguished academics
对政府不满意的人仍然相当多,占受访人数的百分之五十三,只有三成九受访者表示满意。 Dissatisfaction towards the Government remained high at 53 per cent, compared to the 39 per cent for those satisfied.
不满意自己的外表 dissatisfied with their appearance
部分平息了市民对政府的愤怒 dissipating some of the public anger levelled at the administration
不参与袭击 dissociated itself from the raids
解散立法会 dissolve the Legislative Council
冲剂 dissolved medicines; instant herbal medicines
遥距教育 distance education
遥距教学 distance learning/on-line classes
疏远草根阶层 distancing itself from grassroots issues
特殊的自主权 distinctive autonomous powers
杰出学者 distinguished academics
歪曲/扭曲历史 distort history
指鹿为马 distort the truth
歪曲事实 distorted the facts
在火车站派发一份新的免费报纸 distribute a new free newspaper at railway stations
分布式计算环境 Distributed Computing Environment (简称 DCE )
分布回授雷射二极管 Distributing Feedback Laser Diode (简称 DFB-LD )
区议员办事处 district council office
区议员 district councillors
长者地区中心 District Elderly Community Centre
地区工作 district work
推翻不加税承诺 ditching his no-new-taxes pledge
放弃备受争议的单一招标做法 dith the controversial single developer plan
女歌手 diva
(股价)大跌(名词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/take a dive/tumble (v)
(股价)大跌(动词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/tumble (n)
严重背离社会的实际需要 diverge drastically from the real needs of society
转移公众视线 divert public attention
挪动兴建堤坝资金一千四百万元人民币去兴建办公大楼 diverted 14 million yuan earmarked for building dykes to build offices
有股息的股票 dividend-paying stocks/dividend stocks
跳水皇后伏明霞 diving queen Fu Mingxia
引起分化的 divisive
透露 divulge
仍然为残肢进行 DNA化验were still conducting DNA tests on the body parts
收集布莱恩的 DNA样本took samples of Bryant‘s DNA
做家务 do domestic chores
百般拖延 do everything to postpone
作更多秘密调查 do more covert
办年货 do New Year‘s shopping
不会就个别的签证申请个案作出评论 do not comment on individual visa cases
因考试压力和功课过多而睡眠不足 do not get enough sleep because of examination pressures and too much homework