加拿大(渥太华) Canada(Ottawa)
苏伊士运河 Canal Suez
五角以下的股票要除牌 cancel the listing of stocks priced below 50 cents
取消工程的话要赔偿数亿美元的罚款 cancellation would incur hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties
取消原定的记者招待会 cancelled a scheduled press conference
屡犯不改的公屋住户的单位将被收回 cancelling
抗癌药物 cancer fighting drugs
癌症研究日新月异 cancer research is moving quickly
致癌化学物 cancer-causing chemical
选举采用比例代表制。 Candidates are elected under a proportional representation system.
落选的候选人 candidates who were not elected
烛光晚会 candlelight vigil
苏伊士运河 Canal Suez
五角以下的股票要除牌 cancel the listing of stocks priced below 50 cents
取消工程的话要赔偿数亿美元的罚款 cancellation would incur hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties
取消原定的记者招待会 cancelled a scheduled press conference
屡犯不改的公屋住户的单位将被收回 cancelling
抗癌药物 cancer fighting drugs
癌症研究日新月异 cancer research is moving quickly
致癌化学物 cancer-causing chemical
选举采用比例代表制。 Candidates are elected under a proportional representation system.
落选的候选人 candidates who were not elected
烛光晚会 candlelight vigil
不能松懈/不能降低我们的警觉性 cannot
不能承诺不再裁员 cannot guarantee no lay-offs
未能承受分离之苦 cannot handle the
亲吻爱抚 canoodle
嘉诺撒医院 Canossa Hospital
帆布床 canvas beds
争取选举委员会的支持 canvass support from the Election Committee
拉票 canvass(vi)(vt)/(n); canvassing for votes/canvassing local residents/carry out a canvass/We‘ll have to canvass the entire area before the referendum.
争取立法会和市民大众的支持 canvassing support from the Legislative Council and the public
出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
哥连臣角天主教坟场 Cape Collinson
哥连臣角佛教坟场 Cape Collinson Buddhist Cemetery
哥连臣角华人永远坟场 Cape Collinson Chinese
哥连臣角火葬场 Cape Collinson Crematorium
哥连臣角回教坟场 Cape Collinson Muslim Cemetery
微丝血管/毛细血管 capillary/capillaries(pl)
资产收益税 capital gains tax
运用群众心理 capitalize on mass psychology
集资能力 capital-raising abilities
集资活动 capital-raising exercise
投降 capitulation
圈养繁殖/人工繁殖 captive breeding
捉拿者 captors
捉拿拉登 capture bin Laden
风摩数以百万计儿童 captured the hearts of millions of children
车牌 car plate
买车丑闻 car purchase controversy
信用卡公司 card companies
纸皮箱 cardboard box
贲门括约肌 cardiac sphincter