要求普选特首,普选立法会 calling for the election of Chief Executive and Legislative Council by universal suffrage
呼吁共产党吸纳商界人才来推动党的发展 calling for the infusion of private-sector talent to help propel the party
没有同情心的 callous; We were shocked
麻木不仁 callousness
要求结束一党专政 calls for an end to one-party rule on the mainland
呼吁扩大选特首的选举委员会 calls for an enlargement of the Election Committee which elects the chief executive
(传媒工作者)要求,若被控揭露机密资料,可以公众利益作为抗辩,但被政府拒绝。 Calls for public interest to be permitted as a defence to a charge of illegal disclosure of protected information were also rejected.
使精神镇静 calm the mind
柬浦寨(金边) Cambodia(Phnom Penh)
赤柬游击队 Cambodia‘s Khmer Rouge guerillas
出身破碎家庭 came from a dysfunctional family
来自名校 came from an elite school
呼吁共产党吸纳商界人才来推动党的发展 calling for the infusion of private-sector talent to help propel the party
没有同情心的 callous; We were shocked
麻木不仁 callousness
要求结束一党专政 calls for an end to one-party rule on the mainland
呼吁扩大选特首的选举委员会 calls for an enlargement of the Election Committee which elects the chief executive
(传媒工作者)要求,若被控揭露机密资料,可以公众利益作为抗辩,但被政府拒绝。 Calls for public interest to be permitted as a defence to a charge of illegal disclosure of protected information were also rejected.
使精神镇静 calm the mind
柬浦寨(金边) Cambodia(Phnom Penh)
赤柬游击队 Cambodia‘s Khmer Rouge guerillas
出身破碎家庭 came from a dysfunctional family
来自名校 came from an elite school
(列车)脱轨 came off the track
被誉为香港良心 came to be known as the conscience of Hong Kong
浮雕剪影 cameo silhouettes
摄影师 cameraman
喀麦隆(雅温得) Cameroon(Yaounde)
竞选顾问 campaign adviser
竞选总部 campaign headquarters
竞选经理 campaign manager
选举宣传车 campaign van
政治献金丑闻 campaign-financing scandals
在车中度宿 camped out in a car
校园生活 campus life
可用脑部核磁共振扫描加以证实 can be confirmed with
可用心理测验来证实 can be verified
最能贯彻李登辉路线 can best implement the Lee line
病征包括晕眩、呕吐和失去听觉 can cause
可以选择在第五个月才供楼 can choose to start paying interest and instalments in the fifth month
能自行隔离十日 can complete 10 days‘
会感到口干 can feel dryness in the mouth
潜伏期可长达三十年 can lie dormant for
能降低血压 can lower blood pressure
普罗市民能负担得起吗? Can ordinary people afford it?
可能造成流产或畸胎/先天缺陷 can produce
可以减低直肠癌死亡率达三分之一 can reduce
能改善因血液循环不足而导致的疾病 can relieve
可以经营个体户 can set up individual, wholly-owned retail shops
仍能指挥国事/主持国政 can still direct the nation‘s affairs
无法取得资金 can‘t get access to capital
不能干涉内地法律制度 can‘t interfere in the mainland‘s legal system
不能表现出丝毫脆弱 can‘t show any vulnerability