胡振中枢机 Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung
枢机主教拉青格 Cardinal Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals
心脏专科医师 cardiologist
心脏科/血液科 Cardiology/Hematology
心肺功能测试 cardiorespiratory fitness tests
心血管疾病/心血管病 cardiovascular
护理安老院 care-and-attention home
职业女性 career women
铲上安全岛 careered on to a traffic island
看更 caretakers
货柜处理附加费 cargo-handling surcharge
(专门讽刺政治人物的)政治漫画家 caricaturist
枢机主教拉青格 Cardinal Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals
心脏专科医师 cardiologist
心脏科/血液科 Cardiology/Hematology
心肺功能测试 cardiorespiratory fitness tests
心血管疾病/心血管病 cardiovascular
护理安老院 care-and-attention home
职业女性 career women
铲上安全岛 careered on to a traffic island
看更 caretakers
货柜处理附加费 cargo-handling surcharge
(专门讽刺政治人物的)政治漫画家 caricaturist
明爱卖物会 Caritas Bazaar
明爱医院 Caritas Medical Centre
家乐福超级市场 Carrefour hypermarket???
拿走一叠叠一文不值的钞票 carried away wads of the near-worthless cash
进行例行检查 carried out a routine
进行了无数的科学实验 carried out numerous scientific experiments
带着海报,上有标语写着…… carried posters bearing slogans such as……
载波感知多重存取 Carrier Sense Multiple Access (简称 CSMA )
载波干扰比 Carrier to Interference Ratio (简称 C/I )
无载波振幅调相技术 Carrierless AM/PM (简称 CAP )
电信业者 carriers
(违反该条法例的)最高判罚为入狱三年 carries a maximum sentence of three year‘s imprisonment
有益健康 carry health
安全专项整治 carry out more special programs to address safty problems
秘密查案 carry out secret investigations
带有乙型肝炎病菌/乙型肝炎带菌 carry the hepatitis B
股息最高 carry the highest dividend yields
手持木制假墓碑,象征「民主、人权和法治之死」 carrying a mock wooden tomb sumbolising the "death of democracy, human rights and rule of law"
没有身份证明文件 carrying no identity documents
执行警察任务 carrying out police
失车个案 cases of missing motor vehicles
钱箱 cash box
把握西部大开发所带来的商机 cash in on the campaign to develop western areas of the mainland
提款卡 cash withdrawal card
套现四百八十七亿美元 cashed in US$487 million
本票 cashier‘s cheque
资金紧绌的民间团体 cash-strapped NGOs
投白票 cast a blank vote
对官员投不信任票 cast a no-confidence vote in officials
对某事物造成阴影 cast a shadow on something