结算公司 clearing houses
主从架构 Client Server Model
结余得很少的客户 clients with low balances
认输 climb down over something/climbdown (n); The government was forced to climb down last night over its handling of pensions.
扶摇直上/平步青云 climbed steadily up the ranks
步步高升,去年十月更登上首席执行长的宝座 climbed the ranks, and claimed the CEO post in October
投得第一幅地皮 clinch the first site
坚持某事 cling on to something
临床研究 clinical studies
复制人类胚胎 clone a human embryo
查封 close down
关闭大量分行 close down a large number of branches
主从架构 Client Server Model
结余得很少的客户 clients with low balances
认输 climb down over something/climbdown (n); The government was forced to climb down last night over its handling of pensions.
扶摇直上/平步青云 climbed steadily up the ranks
步步高升,去年十月更登上首席执行长的宝座 climbed the ranks, and claimed the CEO post in October
投得第一幅地皮 clinch the first site
坚持某事 cling on to something
临床研究 clinical studies
复制人类胚胎 clone a human embryo
查封 close down
关闭大量分行 close down a large number of branches
结束储蓄户口 close savings accouts with the bank
比以前提早三个小时关闭投票站 close the polling stations three hours earlier than usual
群内通信 Close User Group (简称 CUG )
以全日底价二十九仙收市 closed at a day-low of 29 cents
闭卷 closed-book exam
闭关政策 closed-door policy
收市价低于招股价 closing below their listing prices
在尖沙咀主要道路实行封路措施 closing major roads to
停办乡村小学 closing rural schools/closing village schools
堵塞税务的法律漏洞 closing tax-law loopholes
制衣业训练局 Clothing Industry Training Authority
会所 club house
持棍棒的暴徒 club-weilding thugs
反董连任大联盟 Coalition Against Secord Term
海岸地球电台 Coast Earth Station (简称 CES )
沿海城市 coastal cities
沿海省份 coastal provinces
同频干扰 Cochannel Interference
鸟蛤 cockles
驾驶舱舱员 cockpit crew
鸡尾酒治疗法 cocktail therapy
纵容沙特阿拉伯和巴基斯坦的独裁者 coddle the dictators in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
分码多路进接 Code Division Multiple Access (简称 CDMA )
新闻从业员专业操守守则 code of ethics for journalists
咖啡豆 coffee beans
茶几 coffee table
同调光通讯 Coherent Optical Communication
肾曲小管 coiled tubule
做口号 coin a slogan
骤冷 cold snap