公务员的晋升机会 civil servants‘ promotion prospects
公务员体制 civil service
公务员事务局 Civil Service Bureau
公务员薪酬过高/高于私营机构 civil service pay has outstripped the private sector
常任秘书长 civil service permanent secretaries
公务员培训处 Civil Service Training and Development Institute
公民社会 civil society
中国的公民社会仍然薄弱。 Civil society in China is still weak.
内战 civil war/internecine battles
文职人员 civilian stuff
文明国家 civilised nations
讨回欠薪 claim back salaries
公务员体制 civil service
公务员事务局 Civil Service Bureau
公务员薪酬过高/高于私营机构 civil service pay has outstripped the private sector
常任秘书长 civil service permanent secretaries
公务员培训处 Civil Service Training and Development Institute
公民社会 civil society
中国的公民社会仍然薄弱。 Civil society in China is still weak.
内战 civil war/internecine battles
文职人员 civilian stuff
文明国家 civilised nations
讨回欠薪 claim back salaries
有难民身分 claim refugee status
害死某人 claim the life of somebody
声称最艰难时刻经已过去,否极泰来的日子不远 claim the worst is over and promise better times are just around the corner
要求赔偿自九月起损失的收入和找工不果的开支 claimed damages for loss of earning since September and expenses on unsuccessful job searches
承认收取六千元代人将枪偷运来港 claimed he was paid $6000 to smuggle the gun into Hong Kong
要求警务署和入境处处长就疏忽一事赔偿 claiming damages from the police and immigration chiefs for negligence
声称陈水扁造票,要求立即验票或重新投票 claiming Mr Chen rigged the ballot and demanding an immediate recount or a new election.
声称自动拥有居港权的条例并不适用于非法入境者、逾期滞港人士和观光客的子女 claims the right does not extend to children of illegal immigrants, over-stayers and people merely visiting the SAR
严打 clamp down on
打压言论自由 clamp down on freedom of expression
(手提电话)折机 clamshell-style phone/clamshell phone
掌掴耳朵 clapped on his ears
和警方冲突 clashed with police
与某人握手 clasped the hand of somebody
甲级战犯 class A war criminals
超收学生 classes were overcrowded/admitting more students than allowed
古典音乐 classical music
典型肺炎 classical pneumonia
追讨数以百万元计的侵权损失 claw back millions of dollars lost in copyright infringements
由于有回拨机制,若然公众的需求够大,散户会分得更多比例。 Clawback clauses mean that if the demand from the public is strong enough, retail investors will receive a much higher proportion.
不败记录 clean record, spotless record
缔造廉洁的选举 clean up elections
清理溪流 cleaning creeks
净通路能力 Clear Channel Capability (简称 CCC )
消除市民对(公营)房屋质素的疑虑 clear public concern about the quality of our blocks
尽快扫除领汇上市的法律障碍 clear the legal obstacles to the listing as quickly as possible
清除某物的不断积压 clear the mounting backlog of something
还校长一个清白 clear the name of the vice-chancellor
消除对公司财政状况的揣测 clear up uncertainties about our finances
清水湾 Clear Water Bay