(股价)盘崩(动词) collapse/crash/crumble/slump (v)
(卧底)搜集犯罪证据 collect incriminating evidence
收赎金 collect the ransom
收集运油车漏出的汽油 collect the spill
搜集证据 collected evidence/gathered evidence
拾纸皮 collecting cardboard
集尿管 collecting duct
选举人 college delegates
相撞 collide with somebody/something
黑金 collusion between businessmen and politicians
路环 Coloane
哥伦比亚(波哥大) Colombia(Bogota)
(卧底)搜集犯罪证据 collect incriminating evidence
收赎金 collect the ransom
收集运油车漏出的汽油 collect the spill
搜集证据 collected evidence/gathered evidence
拾纸皮 collecting cardboard
集尿管 collecting duct
选举人 college delegates
相撞 collide with somebody/something
黑金 collusion between businessmen and politicians
路环 Coloane
哥伦比亚(波哥大) Colombia(Bogota)
洗肠医生/灌肠医生 colon hydrotherapist
殖民地时代精英 colonial-era elites
洗肠/灌肠 colonic cleansing/colonic irrigation
彩扩 color film processing
彩色喷墨打印机 colour ink jet printer
木颜色笔/彩色铅笔 coloured pencils
色彩大师 colourist
(太空穿梭机)哥伦比亚号 Columbia
专栏作家 columnist
打击垃圾邮件 combat spam
打击恐怖主义 combatting terrorism
并网发电 combined to the grid
偷渡来港 come by illegal means
来自社会各个阶层 come from a wide cross-section of society
来港为市民打气 come here to lift our morale
发起罢工 come out/go out on strike
来得不是时候/不合时宜 comes at an inopportune time
出身寒微 comes from a humble background
安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project
漫画书 comic books
漫画展 Comics Fair
天亮才回家 coming home in the morning hours
辅警总监郭志舜 Commandant Mr Arthur Kwok Chi-shun
民望相若 commanded roughly equal support
强行劫去一部的士(来逃走) commandeer
纪念某事 commemorate something
纪念邮票 commemorative stamps
纪念储值车票 commemorative stored-value ticket
起保日 commencement date of the policy
得到领导层高度重视 commended considerable respect from the leadership