香港举行了自回归以来最大型的游行,由基督教团体打头阵/扯头缆。 Christian groups lead the rally as Hong Kong witnesses its biggest public demonstration since the handover.
香港基督教服务联会 Christian Service, HK
基督教 Christianity
思汇政策研究所行政总监陆恭蕙 Christine Loh Kung-wai, CEO of Civic Exchange
慢性疾病 chronic maladies
长期伤口 chronic wounds
长期病患者 chronically ill man
中华电信公司 Chunghwa Telecom Company
教堂 church
烟头 cigarette butts
烟草为库房带来一百二十七亿美元税收,约占总税收的百分之十。 Cigarette sales contribute US$12.7 billion to tax revenues, about 10 per cent of the total.
本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip
香港基督教服务联会 Christian Service, HK
基督教 Christianity
思汇政策研究所行政总监陆恭蕙 Christine Loh Kung-wai, CEO of Civic Exchange
慢性疾病 chronic maladies
长期伤口 chronic wounds
长期病患者 chronically ill man
中华电信公司 Chunghwa Telecom Company
教堂 church
烟头 cigarette butts
烟草为库房带来一百二十七亿美元税收,约占总税收的百分之十。 Cigarette sales contribute US$12.7 billion to tax revenues, about 10 per cent of the total.
本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip
透过手机短讯和网络留言板迅速流传 circulated quickly via mobile-phone text messages and Internet bulletin boards
割包皮 circumcise
思科系统公司执行长钱伯斯 Cisco Systems chief executive officer John Chambers
引用孟子的话来支持自己的论点 cited ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius to support her arguments
以个人理由为由退选 cited personal reasons for dropping out of the contest
万国宝通银行 Citibank, N.A.
民用频段无线电对讲机服务 Citizens band radio service (简称 CB )
伦敦城 City
城市病/都市病 city disease
城市论坛 City Forum
第一城 City One
城市垃圾 city refuse
城市电讯 City Telecom (Hong Kong) (CTI)
城市大学政治评论员蔡子强 City University political commentator Ivan Choy Chi-keung
城巴有限公司 Citybus
大塞车,三十条城巴路线和二十五条九巴路线受影响。 Citybus said the chaos had disrupted 30 routes, while Kowloon Motor Bus said 25 routes were affected.
郑裕彤家族即将收购本港第二大专利巴士公司城巴,或会造成垄断。 Citybus, Hong Kong‘s second-largest franchised bus firm, is to be sold to the Cheng Yu-tung family for $2.2 billion in an industry consolidation that has prompted fears of diminishing competition.
果子狸 civet cat
公民起动 Civic Act-up
民间团体 civic groups
民间领袖 civic leader
公民责任 civic responsibility
民众安全服务处 Civil Aid Service
中国民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
民航处 Civil Aviation Department
民事案 civil case
一九六四年《民权法案》 Civil Rights Act of 1964
民权组织 civil rights group
公务员经已冻薪两年。 Civil servants have had their salaries frozen for the past two years.
公务员薪酬远远高于商界同等职位的工资。 Civil servants‘ pay is significantly higher than that for similar jobs in the private sector.