华员会会长黄河 Chinese Civil Servants‘ Association president Peter Wong Hyo
香港政府华员会 Chinese Civil Servants‘ Association, HK
长生壮阳药 Chinese elixirs for long
中国驻伊拉克大使馆职员 Chinese embassy officals in Iraq
中华总商会 Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
中文信息处理 Chinese information processing
汉语水平测试 Chinese Language Proficiency Test
绍菜 Chinese Leaf
唐生菜 Chinese Lettuce
中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers‘ Association
香港中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers‘ Association of Hong Kong
中医诊所 Chinese medicine clinics
香港政府华员会 Chinese Civil Servants‘ Association, HK
长生壮阳药 Chinese elixirs for long
中国驻伊拉克大使馆职员 Chinese embassy officals in Iraq
中华总商会 Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
中文信息处理 Chinese information processing
汉语水平测试 Chinese Language Proficiency Test
绍菜 Chinese Leaf
唐生菜 Chinese Lettuce
中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers‘ Association
香港中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers‘ Association of Hong Kong
中医诊所 Chinese medicine clinics
香港中医药管理委员会 Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
中医 Chinese medicine doctor/herb
已取得外国永久性居民身份的中国籍人士 Chinese nationals with permanent residency abroad
中国人民解放军 Chinese People‘s Liberation Army (PLA)
中文中学 Chinese schools
中大学生将于今晚举行祈祷会,祈求上主宽恕港人的浪费恶习。 Chinese University students will also say a prayer tonight asking for God‘s mercy for the wastage by Hong Kong people.
中大学生会会长冯继远 Chinese University students‘ union president Fung Kai-yuen
中华白海豚 Chinese White Dolphin
中国作品 Chinese work
程翔 Ching Cheong
昭远坟场 Chiu Yuen Cemetery
披衣菌肺炎 chlamydia pneumonia
强忍泪水 chocked back tears
彩虹 Choi Hung
菜心 Choi-Sum
重庆 Chongqing
选择宝宝性别 choose a baby‘s gender
矮子里拔将军 choose a general from among the dwarfs--pick the best out of a mediocre bunch
采景 choose a location (for movie, TV drama, etc.)
选择家族以外的人接班 choose someone outside the bloodline to take his place
按成绩来收生 choose students on the basis of academic results
选择同居而不结婚 choose to live together instead of
从不同角度看事物 choose to look at things from a different perspective
选择与民为敌 chooses to be an enemy of the people
砧板 chopping boards
措辞谨慎 chose his words carefully
昨日选择自辩 chose not to be represented by a legal counsel at yesterday‘s hearing
蔡素玉 Choy So Yuk
欧盟对外事务专员彭定康 Chris Patten, the European Union‘s External Affairs Commissioner
基督教寓言/圣经寓言 Christian allegory