咖喱肉末干豌豆 Pakistani minced beef curry with cried peas煎芙蓉虾 Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
煎饼 Pancake
烙饼 Pancake
薄饼 Pancake
肉馅煎饼卷 Pancake roll with meat filling
冻糕 Parfait
雪耳炖鹧鸪 Partridge and silver fungus soup
萝卜丝饼 Patty with turnip shreds
干碗豆汤 Pea soup
奶油豌豆汤 Pea soup with cream
桃花饭 “ Peach flower”rice(sweet)
桃布丁 Peach pudding
蜜桃沙拉 Peach salad
香桃鸽蛋 Peach shaped pigeon eggs
开屏孔雀鸡 “ Peacock”chicken
蛋酥花仁 Peanut cake
雪梨酒 Pear wine
珍珠舌耳汤 Pearl-shaped glutinous rice ball soup
珍球麻圆 Pearl-shaped glutinous rice balls
红酒汁梨 Pears in red wine
卤水猪舌 Peg′s tongue in spicy sauce
如意冬笋 “ Perfect”bamboo shoots
野鸡排 Pheasant pie
山鸡串 Pheasant shashlik
凤眼鸽蛋 “ Phoenix eye”pigeon eggs
凤足花菇 “ Phoenix leg (chicken feet)with mushroom
凤足炖冬菰 “ Phoenix leg”(chicken feet)with mushroom
凤凰鲜奶露“ Phoenix”milk
酸菜汤 Pickled cabbage soup
北京泡菜 Pickled cabbage,Beijing style
酸菜花 Pickled cauliflower
小盆泡菜 Pickled Chinese cabbage
冷醋鱼 pickled fish
酸蘑菇 Pickled mushroom
榨菜肉丝 Pickled tuber mustard and pork
泡菜 Pickled vegetables
酸菜鱿鱼汤 Pickled vegetables with squid soup
旅行饭盒 Picnic box
馅饼 Pie
奶渍酥排 Pie with cream
猪脚冻 Pig′s feets in aspic
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