咖喱元白菜羊肉 Cabbage and mutton curry砂锅白菜 Cabbage in casserole
蚝皇菜胆 Cabbage in oyster sauce
卷心菜沙拉 Cabbage salad
海米白莱汤 Cabbage soup with dried shrimp
蛋糕 Cake
拿破仑点心 Cake napoleon
烟肉小牛肝 Calf′s liver and bacon
面包托 Canape(France)
烧肉 Canton style roast pork
姜汁焗鲤鱼 Carp baked with ginger and scallion
两做鲤鱼 Carp in two styles
豆腐鲤鱼 Carp with bean curd
胡萝卜汤 Carrot soup
腰果白菌 Cashew nut and white mushrooms
菜花北菇 Cauliflower and dried mushroom
黄油菜花 Cauliflower in butter
菜花炒鸡蛋 Cauliflower omelette
奶油椰菜花 Cauliflower with white saucee
拌芹菜 Celery in mixed sauce
大香槟 Champagne
查理鸡饭 Charles chicken rice
计司 Cheese
乳酪 Cheese
计司面条 Cheese noodles
计司炒鸡蛋 Cheese omelette
计司三明治 Cheese sandwich
奶酪三明治 Cheese sandwich
乳酪三味夹 Cheese sandwich
之士三文治 Cheese sandwich
蜜汁素樱桃肉 Cherries in honey
樱桃布丁 Cherry pudding
奶油栗子粉 Chestnut purée with cream
奴冬鸡条 Chicken ,mushroom and bamboo shoots
鸡蓉芦笋汤 Chicken and asparagus soup
笋炒鸡丁 Chicken and bamboo shoots
黄瓜拌鸡丝 Chicken and cucumber salad
鸡鸭鸳鸯 Chicken and duck cooked like mandarin duck
鸡腿泡蛋清汤 Chicken and egg soup
鸡鱼 Chicken and fish
火腿鸡肉三明治 Chicken and ham sandwich
奶油蘑菇烩鸡 Chicken and mushroom with white sauce
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