全家福 “ Family delight”assorted ingredients(savoury)著名脆皮鸡 Famous crispy skin chicken
乡下浓汤 Farmhouse thick soup
羊蹄哈尔巴 Feet and leg of lamb
汾酒 Fenjiu liquor
怀胎鳜鱼 Fertilised mandarin fish
红酒汁里脊 Fillet cooked in red wine
里脊串 Fillet shashlik
里脊扒 Fillet steak
牛里脊片带少司 Fillet steak with cheese
里脊扒蛋 Fillet steak with egg
中式牛柳 Fillet steak,Chinese style
佛手卷 Finger citron rolls
火锅鱼虾 Fish and prawns cooked in charcoal pot
菜远生鱼球 Fish ball with vegetable heart
鱼丸 Fish balls
鱼圆 Fish balls
上汤鲮鱼角 Fish balls in soup
鲜笋鱼肉球 Fish balls with bamboo shoots
碧绿生鱼球 Fish balls with green vegetables
翡翠生鱼球 Fish balls with green vegetables
菜远鱼球 Fish balls with ham and vegetable heart
韭黄生鱼球 Fish balls with spring onion
奶油鱼片汤 Fish chowder
潮州鱼粥 Fish congee,Chaozhou special
火锅鱼片 Fish cooked in charcoal pot
白爆鱼丁 Fish cubes in white sauce
咖喱鱼 Fish curry
鱼咖喱 Fish curry
咖喱鱼饭 Fish curry with rice
山东鱼馅饺子 Fish dumplings,Shandong Style
鱼肉冻 Fish in aspic
砂锅鱼 Fish in casserole
白汁鱼唇 Fish lip in cream sauce
鸭汁烩鱼唇 Fish lip soup with duck gravy
砂锅鱼唇 Fish lips in casserole
广肚炖冬菇 Fish maw and mushroom soup,Guangdong style
花胶鸡丝汤 Fish maw and shredded chicken soup
鸡片鱼肚 Fish maw and sliced chicken
清汤鱼肚 Fish maw in clear soup
青鱼肚当 Fish maw of black carp
鸡茸鱼肚 Fish maw with chicken
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