加多咖多 Gado gado,mixed vegetable salad德国面包 German bread
笋炒肾丁 Giblets and bamboo shoots
咖喱鸡杂 Giblets curry
咖喱胗肝饭 Giblets curry with rice
姜饼 Ginger bread
汤泡胗球 Gizzard balls in soup
冬笋焖胗 Gizzard with bamboo shoots
玻璃酥虾 Glazed deep-fried prawn
玻璃酥鸡 Glazed deep-fried sliced chicken
玻璃蟹脚 Glazed fried crab claws
玻璃烧卖 Glazed shao mai steamed dumplings with meat fillings
江米凉糕 Glutinous rice cake
冰肉莲蓉粽 Glutinous rice stuffed with ground lotus seeds wrapped in reed leaves(Special fare for the Dragon Boat Festival)
金银蹄 “ Gold and silver”leg of pig
金银白菌 “ Gold and silver”mushrooms
炸金钱大虾 “ Golden coin”prawns
金凤明虾卷 Golden prawn rolls
金鱼鸭掌 Goldfish-shaped duck′s web
菜燉牛肉 Goulash
葡萄鱼 “ Grape”fish
翠竹生虾扇 Green bamboo with shrimps
鸡油季豆 Green beans in chicken oil
菜远青衣球 Green fish balls with vegetable heart
青葱炒鸡蛋 Green onion omelette
青豆汤 Green pea soup
黄油炒碗豆 Green peas in butter
豌豆炒鸡蛋 Green peas omelette
豌豆龙须菜 Green peas with asparagus
青椒瓤猪肉 Green pepper stuffed with minced pork
瓤馅青椒 Green pepper stuffed with pork
龙井竹笋 Green tea and bamboo shoots
干锅大虾 Griddle cooked prawns
烧饼 Griddle cooked savoury cake
干锅鱼翅 Griddle cooked shark′s fin
铁扒牛肉片 Grilled beef slices
铁扒牛排 Grilled beef steak
铁扒鲭鱼 Grilled black carp
炙鸡 Grilled chicken
烘鱿鱼干 Grilled dried squid
铁扒里脊 Grilled fillet
炙鱼 Grilled fish
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