麦片粥 Oatmeal porridge炒鸡蛋 Omelette
清炒鸡蛋 Omelette
炒蛋三明治 Omelette sandwich
扁豆炒蛋 Omelette with beans
葱花炒蛋 Omelette with chopped scallions
鲜蕃茄炒蛋 Omelette with fresh tomato
火腿末炒蛋 Omelette with minced ham
洋葱西柿炒蛋 Omelette with onions and tomato
一鸡三味 One chicken cooked in three styles
千层腐皮 “ One thousand layer”bean curd
千层饼 “ One thousand layer”cake
千层蔗汁糕 “ One thousand layer”sugar cane juice cake
洋葱汤 Onion soup
桔子水 Orange juice
鲜橙布丁 Orange pudding
桔子沙拉 Orange salad
橙汁汽水 Orange soda
七日鲜 Oriental sole
牛肝泥子 Ox liver paste
牛尾浓汤 Ox tail soup
青豆牛舌 Ox tongue and green peas
面托蛎黄 Oyster on fried bread
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
豉椒蚬肉 Oyster with fermented soya beans and chili
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