时菜猪肝汤 Pig′s liver and seasonal vegetable soup火腿猪肚汤 Pig′s stomach and ham soup
冬菇猪蹄 Pig′s trotters with mushrooms
鸽蛋汤 Pigeon egg soup
菠萝龙眼 Pineapple and longan
菠萝杯 Pineapple cup
波萝雪糕 Pineapple ice cream
菠萝醪糟 Pineapple in glutinous rice wine
菠萝冻 Pineapple jelly
菠萝布丁 Pineapple pudding
菠萝沙拉 Pineapple salad
奶油菠萝 Pineapple with cream
松塔活鱼 Pinecone live fish
琵琶大虾仁 Pipa king prawns
青梅酒 Plum wine
上汤浸鸡 Poached chicken and vegetable soup
火腿菜远鸡 Poached chicken with ham and vegetable
水卧鸡蛋 Poached egg
时菜窝蛋汤 Poached egg and seasonal vegetable soup
泡蛋清汤 Poached egg in clear soup
肉饼炖蛋 Poached egg with minced pork
荷包蛋 Poached eggs
菜豉油鸡 Poached sesame chicken with vegetable and fermented soya beans
波兰式蒸鱼 Polish style Steamed fish
猪肉豆 Pork and beans
猪肉丸子 Pork balls
猪脑煮老酒 Pork brain cooked with wine
洋葱猪排饭 Pork chop and onion with rice
吉利猪排 Pork chop cutlets
洋葱煎猪排 Pork chop fried with onions
洋葱猪排 pork chop with onion
白肉火锅 Pork cooked in hot pot
烤猪肉圆 Pork croquette
猪肉咖喱 Pork curry
小笼包子 pork dumpling
火锅猪肉片 Pork fillet cooked in hot pot
猪里脊串 Pork fillet shashlik
肉丝炒饭 Pork fried rice
猪肉冻 pork in aspic
筒子肉 Pork in salt
填馅猪肉卷 Pork kiev(stuffed with batter)
肉丝炒蛋 Pork omelette