被判入狱三年半 was sentenced to three and a half years in jail
被判入狱三年零十一个月 was sentenced to three years and 11 months‘ imprisonment
对其精密感震惊 was shocking in its
腹部中枪 was shot in the stomach
在医护人员之间传染得特别快 was spreading especially
正调查停电原因 was still investigating the cause of the power failure
仍没有在英语教育方面拨足够款项 was still not providing sufficient finances for English education
仍未透露全部真相 was still not telling the full story
被历史洪流淘汰 was swept away by the tide of historical inevitability
宣誓就任新总理 was sworn in as the new prime minister
由庭警带走 was taken away by court police
七四七客机,历时两小时半 was taken hostage just
被判入狱三年零十一个月 was sentenced to three years and 11 months‘ imprisonment
对其精密感震惊 was shocking in its
腹部中枪 was shot in the stomach
在医护人员之间传染得特别快 was spreading especially
正调查停电原因 was still investigating the cause of the power failure
仍没有在英语教育方面拨足够款项 was still not providing sufficient finances for English education
仍未透露全部真相 was still not telling the full story
被历史洪流淘汰 was swept away by the tide of historical inevitability
宣誓就任新总理 was sworn in as the new prime minister
由庭警带走 was taken away by court police
七四七客机,历时两小时半 was taken hostage just
被护送到某处 was taken in a convoy to somewhere
送往东区医院检验 was taken to Eastern
因以独立候选人身分参选总统而被踢出党 was thrown out of the KMT for running for president as an independent
在被幽禁的一个月里受尽折磨 was tortured for a month while held captive
(车)被拖走 was towed away
坐商务舱 was travelling business class/was seated in business class
正尝试改善他的公关技巧 was trying to improve his PR skills
不熟悉该部门的运作 was unfamiliar with the department‘s operation
被用作商业用途 was used for commercial purposes
偏离了中间路线,吓走中间选民 was veering from the middle road and scaring off neutral voters
由特种部队迅速安全救出 was whisked to safety by a commando team
愿意辞职以示问责 was willing to resign as a show of accountability
昨日被裁定非礼(该女子)罪成 was yesterday convicted of indecently assaulting the woman
昨日被裁定刑事恐吓罪成 was yesterday found guilty of criminal intimidation
昨日被判处二百四十小时社会服务令 was yesterday ordered to perform 240 hours of community service
彻底洗手 wash hands thoroughly
华盛顿邮报 Washington Post
废纸回收商 waste paper recyclers
减少废物委员会 Waste Reduction Committee
废物分类计划 waste separation schemes
废纸箱 waste-paper basket/waste-paper bin
浪费胶袋 wasting plastic bags
浪费纳税人金钱 wasting taxpayers‘ money
观赏万千流星雨划破长空 watch thousands of meteors blaze across the sky
监视机构 watchdog
密切留意吉尔吉斯的局势发展 watching developments in Kyrgyzstan closely
水炮 water cannons
水上公园 water parks
位于边境的木湖抽水站水质样本显示,东江水阿摩尼亚含量由平日的每公升零点八毫克升至昨日的每公升一点零二三毫克。 Water samples collected at Muk Wo, bordering Hong Kong, showed a sharp increase in ammonia content, up from the usual 0.8 mg/litre to yesterday‘s 1.023 mg/litre.
通菜 Water Spinach