不会改变主意 would not change his mind
不会吓跑外资 would not discourage foreigners from investing in Hong Kong
不会为七一游行定性 would not give an official verdict on the July 1 march
不会为了争取选票而作出政治妥协 would not make political compromises in order to win votes
不介意「陪跑」 would not mind standing "just to accompany someone else" in the race
不会惹人责备 would not necessarily raise any eyebrows
不会把所有的香港办公室运作都搬往内地 would not relocate all their SAR office operations to the mainland
不会加入新一轮的减价战/不会跟随对手的减价行动 would not respond to the latest round of price cuts
不会回去打理家族生意 would not return to his family business
不排除会接纳庭外和解 would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement
不排除在农历新年后会有更多酒楼结业 would not rule out further restaurant closures in the post-Lunar New Year period
严重波动楼市 would not severely upset the market
不会吓跑外资 would not discourage foreigners from investing in Hong Kong
不会为七一游行定性 would not give an official verdict on the July 1 march
不会为了争取选票而作出政治妥协 would not make political compromises in order to win votes
不介意「陪跑」 would not mind standing "just to accompany someone else" in the race
不会惹人责备 would not necessarily raise any eyebrows
不会把所有的香港办公室运作都搬往内地 would not relocate all their SAR office operations to the mainland
不会加入新一轮的减价战/不会跟随对手的减价行动 would not respond to the latest round of price cuts
不会回去打理家族生意 would not return to his family business
不排除会接纳庭外和解 would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement
不排除在农历新年后会有更多酒楼结业 would not rule out further restaurant closures in the post-Lunar New Year period
严重波动楼市 would not severely upset the market
不会宣誓效忠基本法 would not swear allegiance to the Basic Law
不参与未经批准游行 would not take part in unauthorised protests
不会影响外资对香港的信心 would not undermine foreign investors‘ confidence in Hong Kong
不会改变决定 would not withdraw the decision
只会令公私营进一步失衡 would only
只会分薄前线的选票 would only dilute votes of The Frontier‘s supporters
很可能再(吸烟) would probably relapse
会引起右翼的反弹 would prompt a backlash from the right wing
继续推行江主席的改革开放政策 would push ahead with Mr Jiang‘s other reforms and economic liberalisation
所有新盘都会加价 would raise prices at all its new developments
交通流量会于十年内饱和 would reach full capacity in 10 years
只会短期内受益 would receive only a short-term benefit
四月一日复课 would resume classes on April 1
可保留所有退休保障计划及额外获得九个月薪酬 would retain their full retirement packages as well as a payout of nine months‘ basic salary
会被当作示弱 would rightly be seen as a sign of weekness
可免除特区政府尴尬 would save the SAR Government embarrassment
会寻求在没有预设前提(前设)下与中央公开沟通 would seek open dialogue with the central government without any preconditions
会令更多人走上街 would send more people onto the streets
会承担所有建筑费用 would shoulder all construction costs
会为选举结果负责 would take responsibility for the results of the election
会为维港巨星汇事件负责 would take the responsibility for the event
影响机场声誉 would tarnish the
会和陈伟业共组名单竞逐新界西议席 would team up with Albert Chan Wai-yip to stand in New Territories West
长时间的激烈争吵 wrangling
士巴拿 wrench/spanner
令状、传票 writ (n); A writ is a document from a court that orders someone to do or not to do something./issue a writ to prevent sb from doing sth/issue a writ against the newspaper/serve sb with a writ (向某人发出传票)/ has been served with a writ for breach of contract
冲销账目 write off accounts
书面援权证明 written authority
书面警告 written warnings
开药方 wrote out his prescription