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蛋彩 tempera
温和派的阿拉伯人 temperate Arabs
太阳穴 temple (face)
天妇罗 tempura
十诫 Ten commandments
房屋津贴 tenancy allowance/housing allowance/rental allowance
往往免疫系统较弱 tend to have weak
市场疲弱时抗跌力通常较好 tend to hold up better in weak markets
倾向短线投资 tend to work on a shorter investment horizon
向特首请辞,辞去房委会主席一职 tendered my resignation to Mr Tung as chairman of the Housing Authority
照管商店 tending shop
蛋彩 tempera
温和派的阿拉伯人 temperate Arabs
太阳穴 temple (face)
天妇罗 tempura
十诫 Ten commandments
房屋津贴 tenancy allowance/housing allowance/rental allowance
往往免疫系统较弱 tend to have weak
市场疲弱时抗跌力通常较好 tend to hold up better in weak markets
倾向短线投资 tend to work on a shorter investment horizon
向特首请辞,辞去房委会主席一职 tendered my resignation to Mr Tung as chairman of the Housing Authority
照管商店 tending shop
气氛越来越紧张 tension rose
十年房屋计划 Ten-year Housing Programme
局内终端电缆 Terminating Cable
兵马俑 terra-cotta figures; soldier and horse figures
领土纠纷 territorial disputes
恐怖主义已成为美国选民最关心的头号议题。 Terrorism has become the No. 1 issue for American voters.
恐怖事件 terrorist incidents
恐怖主义首领 terrorist leader
恐怖组织 terrorist organizations/terror groups
恐怖分子的支持者 terrorist sympathizers
测试来自内地的花卉和植物 test plants and flowers imported from the mainland
测试香港「高度自治」的底线 test the bottom line of our "high degree of autonomy"
测试曾荫权的领导才能和忠诚度 test the leadership qualities and loyalty of Mr Tsang
呈摇头丸药物阳性反应 tested positive for Ecstasy
作污点证人 testified in court, under immunity for prosecution,
作伪证/作假证供 testify falsely
就该些会面向立法会议员汇报 testify such meetings in the legislature
以特赦证人身分作供 testify today under immunity from prosecution
就审计署的报告向议员陈词 testifying to legislators on a report by the Audit Commission
考验香港的应变能力 testing Hong Kong‘s mettle
睪丸 testis
试射一枚可携带核子弹头的飞弹 test-launched a nuclear-capable missile
经政府化验后发现该产品全无燕窝成分。 Tests by government chemists revealed it contained no elements of bird‘s nest at all.
月寿命。 Tests showed he had advanced
进行检验查明黑脸琵鹭的死因 tests were still being carried out to establish the cause of the spoonbills‘ deaths
俄罗斯方块 Tetris
小室哲哉 Tetsuya Komuro
纺织及制衣界 Textiles and Garment
泰国国际航空公司 Thai Airways International
迷你茄子 Thai Eggplant