定立普选时间表 the establishment of a timetable for achieving universal suffrage
行政会议昨日通过三十二万名公务员和附属机构员工的加薪方案,预计政府每年开支会增加四十亿元。 The Executive Council yesterday endorsed a pay rise offer to all 320,000 civil servants and staff at subsidised organisations which will cost the Government an estimated $4 billion a year.
行政立法关系 the executive-legislature relationship
现有制度 the existing system
文锦渡出境管制站 the exit control point at Man Kam To
预期的合作计划 the expected alliance
沙士报告 the expert report on Sars
扩大警权 the extension of police powers
昨日跌市已导致起码一家科技公司决定延迟上市。 The fallout has delayed plans for at least one technology listing.
绑匪要求家属往内地缴付赎金。 The family was ordered to pay the money across the border.
快线 the fast lane
水警驱逐快艇 the fast-pursuit craft
行政会议昨日通过三十二万名公务员和附属机构员工的加薪方案,预计政府每年开支会增加四十亿元。 The Executive Council yesterday endorsed a pay rise offer to all 320,000 civil servants and staff at subsidised organisations which will cost the Government an estimated $4 billion a year.
行政立法关系 the executive-legislature relationship
现有制度 the existing system
文锦渡出境管制站 the exit control point at Man Kam To
预期的合作计划 the expected alliance
沙士报告 the expert report on Sars
扩大警权 the extension of police powers
昨日跌市已导致起码一家科技公司决定延迟上市。 The fallout has delayed plans for at least one technology listing.
绑匪要求家属往内地缴付赎金。 The family was ordered to pay the money across the border.
快线 the fast lane
水警驱逐快艇 the fast-pursuit craft
是次可行性研究证明中电最近致力进一步打入大陆能源市场。 The feasibility study underlines CLP‘s latest efforts to penetrate further into the mainland power market.
香港医学组织联会 The Federation of
环球香港商业协会联盟 The Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide
香港酒店业主联会 The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners
第五卡车厢 the fifth carriage
政制发展专责小组五号报告书 the fifth report of the constitutional development taskforce
政改第五号报告书 the fifth report on political reform
大结局 the final episode
极度贫困的人 the financially destitute
传出石油气罐的爆炸声。 The fire broke out at
大火经楼梯迅速蔓延至整座大厦。 The fire spread
第一个已知的带菌者 the first known
政府首个私营化上市的公共事业 the first share offering in a government-owned utility
我们返港后的第一步就是要鼓励社会讨论这些问题。 The first step after our return to Hong Kong is to promote discussions in society on these problems.
我首先想到的是要尽快控制整个局面。其它事情都不重要。 The first thing on my mind was to get the whole thing under control as soon as possible. Other things were immaterial.
航班资料显示系统 the Flight Information Display systems
大桥开始运作后,每日流量估计最少达一万架次。 The flow of traffic would be at least 10,000 vehicles a day when the bridge starts operation.
焦点将放在下届特区政府的估领袖游戏。 The focus will shift to a game of who‘s who in the next administration.
岛上的栏杆,并撞倒行人。 The force of the impact
大量工厂迁移内地,导致用电量估计错误。 The forecasts proved wrong because of the massive shift of factories to the mainland.
合作形式尚未决定。 The format of co-operation has not been decided.
北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing
体弱和患有痴呆症的长者 the frail and demented elders
信息自由流通 the free flow of information
中华港澳之友协会 The Friends of Hong Kong & Macau Association
前线 The Frontier
前线宣布会派出四名候选人在两个选区中参选。 The Frontier announced it would field four candidates in two geographical constituencies.
前线的陶君行会从一张独立名单参选。 The Frontier‘s Andrew To Kwan-hang will be listed on a separate ticket.
本地经济的基本因素未有改善。 The fundamentals of the city‘s economy have not improved.
引发导火线 the fuse was lit