缩短过境通关的时间 reduce clearance times at boundary crossings
减少对出口的依赖 reduce dependence on exports
减少百分之四十的辐射 reduce emissions by about 40 per cent
减少发电厂的排放物 reduce emissions from its power plants
排放较少一氧化碳 reduce emissions of carbon monoxide
防止滥用 reduce excessive use
下调每月二百九十八元的月费 reduce its monthly tariff of $298 per month
减少氧化氮的排放量 reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions
裁减核武 reduce nuclear weapons
我们的领土被核武炸成灰烬 reduce our territory to ashes with nuclear weapons
大量裁减教职员数目 reduce significantly the number of our academic staff
减少收生 reduce student intakes
减少对出口的依赖 reduce dependence on exports
减少百分之四十的辐射 reduce emissions by about 40 per cent
减少发电厂的排放物 reduce emissions from its power plants
排放较少一氧化碳 reduce emissions of carbon monoxide
防止滥用 reduce excessive use
下调每月二百九十八元的月费 reduce its monthly tariff of $298 per month
减少氧化氮的排放量 reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions
裁减核武 reduce nuclear weapons
我们的领土被核武炸成灰烬 reduce our territory to ashes with nuclear weapons
大量裁减教职员数目 reduce significantly the number of our academic staff
减少收生 reduce student intakes
减少二氧化硫和粒状物的排放量 reduce sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions and particulates
减少教师工作量 reduce teachers‘ workloads
减低废物处理成本 reduce the costs of handling waste
让香港教育制度不再侧重考试成绩 reduce the exam-heavy bias of SAR education
缩窄贫富悬殊 reduce the gap between rich and poor/narrow the wealth gap
降低不良副作用 reduce unwanted
减低患癌机会 reduce your risk of cancer
降低香港的青少年失业率 reduce youth unemployment in Hong Kong
因被告认罪故减刑三分一 reduced it by a third for his guilty plea
收窄贫富悬殊 reducing income gaps
减少工时 reducing working hours
被裁人员 redundancy (n); led to over 200 redundancies/result in massive reducdancies
被解雇员工 redundant workers/the sacked workers/the laid-off employees
自动当选连任行政长官一职 re-elected uncontested for a second term
精简架构 re-engineering/delayering/downsizing/rightsizing
重返就业市场 re-enter the job market
返回舱 re-entry capsule
就是次案件向人大常委会寻求释法 refer the case to the Standing Committee of the National People‘s Congress
处理有线电视频道规划变更之参考指针 Reference Criteria for Handling CATV Channel Line-up Changes
公投议题 referendum issue
公投周 referendum week
转介程序 referral procedures
指该次学生运动为一场很严重的政治风波 referring to the student-led protests as "a very serious political disturbance"
反映港人意愿 reflect Hong Kong people‘s wishes
反映政治现实 reflect the political reality
落实问责制精神 reflect the spirit of the accountability system
反映人们渴望变得与众不同 reflects a yearning to stand out from the herd
改革蓝图 reform blueprint
税制改革 reform of the tax system
改革方案 reform proposals