(移植的部分)不怎么生长 only capable of limited
只有四名议员就该动议发言 only four lawmakers spoke on the motion
只有小学程度 only have a primary school education
只有在本港出生兼且父母其中一方是香港永久居民的中国公民才有永久居留权。 Only Hong Kong-born Chinese nationals with at least one permanent resident parent would be eligible for permanent residency.
只有五分一人希望董建华连任特首。 Only one in every five people believe Tung Chee-hwa should run for a second term as Chief Executive.
乌龙茶 oolong tea
石油输出国组织昨日同意每天原油产量二百万桶。 Opec agreed yesterday to raise output by two million barrels a day.
在四月十八日举行秘密会议选出新教宗 open a conclave on April 18 to elect a new pope
开创香港历史的新一页 open a new chapter in Hong Kong‘s history
开放式数据链界面 Open Data-Link Interface (简称 ODI )
年轻伴侣公然亲热 open displays of affection by teenage couples
开放式网络架构 Open Network Architecture (ONA)
只有四名议员就该动议发言 only four lawmakers spoke on the motion
只有小学程度 only have a primary school education
只有在本港出生兼且父母其中一方是香港永久居民的中国公民才有永久居留权。 Only Hong Kong-born Chinese nationals with at least one permanent resident parent would be eligible for permanent residency.
只有五分一人希望董建华连任特首。 Only one in every five people believe Tung Chee-hwa should run for a second term as Chief Executive.
乌龙茶 oolong tea
石油输出国组织昨日同意每天原油产量二百万桶。 Opec agreed yesterday to raise output by two million barrels a day.
在四月十八日举行秘密会议选出新教宗 open a conclave on April 18 to elect a new pope
开创香港历史的新一页 open a new chapter in Hong Kong‘s history
开放式数据链界面 Open Data-Link Interface (简称 ODI )
年轻伴侣公然亲热 open displays of affection by teenage couples
开放式网络架构 Open Network Architecture (ONA)
美国开放基金会 Open Software Foundation (简称 OSF )
门户开放政策 open-door policies
向一群示威者开火,杀死十五名平民 opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators and killed 15 civilians
向一架以色列巴士开火 opened fire on an Israeli bus
(咨询文件)咨询期至今年年底 opened for public consultation until the end of the year
给予海外援助 opened the foreign-aid spigot
慷慨解囊 opened up their wallets
开场白 opening statements
为低度开发的珠江西岸吸引新的投资 opening up the underdeveloped region west of the Pearl River to new investment
开放程序代码软件 open-source software
敞蓬轿车 open-topped limousine
受政府官员包庇 operated under the protection of Government officials
以营运基金运作 operating as a trading fund
维运支持系统 Operating Support System (简称 OSS )
经营无牌宾馆 operating unlicensed guesthouses
无牌经营 operating without a licence
黄雀行动 Operation Yellow Bird
执行处 Operations Department
眼科医生/眼科医师 ophthalmologist/eye
就……方面意见分歧 opinion split on issues such as……
老有所为活动计划 Opportunities for the Elderly Project
反对独裁和支持民主 oppose dictatorship and support democracy
反对给予女村民享有「特殊土地权利」 opposed extending land privileges to indigenous women
反对加价 opposed the fare increase
反对人大释法 opposed to Beijing‘s decision to interpret the Basic Law
反对干细胞研究 opposes stem cell research
反对军事镇压学生 opposing military action against the students
反对转用广东话(教学) opposing the switch to Cantonese
越来越多反对声音。 Opposition is mounting.
反对党领袖连战宣告选举无效。 Opposition leader Lien Chan demanded that Saturday‘s vote be annulled.