令吴淑珍终身要坐轮椅 left Wu Shu-chen confined to a
左轪车 left-hand-drive vehicles
左派领袖 leftist leaders
法律援助署 Legal Aid Department
法律援助服务局 Legal Aid Services Council
法律专家 legal experts
诉讼费 legal fee
法律费用 legal fees
内地专家的法律意见 legal opinions expressed by mainland experts
法律专业特权 legal professional privilege
立法会辩论 Legco debate
立法会选举变成有钱人的玩意。 Legco elections would become a game for the rich.
左轪车 left-hand-drive vehicles
左派领袖 leftist leaders
法律援助署 Legal Aid Department
法律援助服务局 Legal Aid Services Council
法律专家 legal experts
诉讼费 legal fee
法律费用 legal fees
内地专家的法律意见 legal opinions expressed by mainland experts
法律专业特权 legal professional privilege
立法会辩论 Legco debate
立法会选举变成有钱人的玩意。 Legco elections would become a game for the rich.
立法会主席范徐丽泰 Legco President Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai
立法会答问大会 Legco Question Time
立法会交通事务委员会 Legco‘s transport panel
联想个人计算机在中国的市场占有率 Legend‘s share of China‘s PC market
退伍军人症 Legionnaires‘ disease
立法会帐目委员会 Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee
立法会公众席 Legislative Council‘s public viewing gallery
立法院长王金平 Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng
澳门特区筹委会通过任命何厚铧为澳门行政长官,是次会议由副总理钱其琛主持。 Legislator Edmund Ho Hau-wah‘s election was rubber-stamped by the Preparatory Committee of the Macau SAR chaired by Vice-Premier Qian Qichen.
立法会议员群起反对,认为在薪金和其它公共收费下调或冻结时,这加幅实在太高。 Legislators attacked the increase yesterday, saying it was too steep at a time when wages and other charges were being cut or frozen.
立法会议员昨日封杀港府多项法庭服务收费。政府原本预期每年可以增加库房收益六百五十万元,但现时只可增加其中的一成。 Legislators blocked rises in judiciary fees yesterday, cutting by more than 90 per cent expected government revenue of $6.5 million of increased charges.
立法会议员批评九铁坚持明年四月加价之余,却没有减省董事过高的酬金和福利。他们的福利包括豪华会所会籍和三艘游艇。 Legislators seized on the pay and perks, which include club memberships and the use of three yachts, to criticise the corporation for failing to cut executives‘ benefits while insisting fare rises come in next April.
立法会议员昨日表示,担心林焕光的调职,会减慢公务员制度的改革。 Legislators yesterday voiced fears of a slow-down in civil service reform with the transfer of Mr Lam.
雷曼兄弟 Lehman Brothers
鲤鱼门 Lei Yue Mun
莱比锡 Leipzig
康乐及文化事务署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
给予支持 lend support
配镜师 lens dispenser
狮子座流星 Leonid meteors
豹猫 leopard cat
东星斑 Leopard Coral Grouper
痲疯 leprosy
减轻他们的负担 lessening their burden
减轻发生动乱的机会 lessens the potential for unrest
既往不咎 let bygones be bygones
让他躺平身子 let him lie flat
拆台 let someone down; cut the ground from under someone‘s feet
让货币贬值 let the value of its currency slip
公务员工会联合会主席梁筹庭 Leung Chau-ting, president of the Federation of Civil Service Unions