工业行动 industrial action; The nurses are threatening to take industrial action.
产业不景气 industrial depression
工业产品、工业制品 industrial goods
劳资关系 industrial relations/relations between management and labour
工业地盘 industrial sites
业界自我监管 industry self-regulation
婴儿死亡率/婴儿夭折率 infant mortality rate
步兵师 infantry division
受感染病人 infected patients
传染病专家劳永乐 infectious diseases
后腔大静脉 inferior vena cava
火海 inferno
产业不景气 industrial depression
工业产品、工业制品 industrial goods
劳资关系 industrial relations/relations between management and labour
工业地盘 industrial sites
业界自我监管 industry self-regulation
婴儿死亡率/婴儿夭折率 infant mortality rate
步兵师 infantry division
受感染病人 infected patients
传染病专家劳永乐 infectious diseases
后腔大静脉 inferior vena cava
火海 inferno
不育妇女/不孕妇女 infertile women
异教徒 infidel
不贞、通奸 infidelity (n);
疗养院照顾补助金 Infirmary Care Supplement
令地区紧张局势加剧 inflamed regional tensions
发炎的 inflamed; an inflamed eye, a
炎性反应 inflammatory response
为气垫充气 inflated an air cushion
虚报收益 inflated its revenues
保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings
使承受 inflict (vt)
故意弄伤自己来逃避盘问 inflicted the injuries on himself in an effort to forestall interrogation
资金流入 inflows of funds
影响选举结果 influence the outcome of the election
流行性感冒 influenza/Flu
正式和非正式渠道 informal and formal channels
信息消费者 Information Consumer (简称 IC )
信息经济 Information Economy
警方情报显示 information from police
信息产业/信息产业 information industry
国务院新闻办公室 Information Office of the State Council
信息提供者 Information Provider (简称 IP )
信息安全/信息安全 information security
信息安全及隐私权 Information Security and Privacy
政府新闻处 Information Services Department
信息高速公路/信息高速公路 information superhighway
信息技术协议 Information Technology Agreement (简称 ITA )
信息科技署 Information Technology Services Department
线人 informer/informant/stool pigeon
记实娱乐性节目 infotainment programme