政府在五月调低经济增长预测,由三月财政预算案中的百分之四调低至百分之三。 In May, the Government forecast three per cent yearly economic growth, down from the four per cent predicted in the March budget.
(辩护律师)在求情时 in mitigation
该公司在十月发行二亿五千万股新股,每股作价五元,用以偿还债项。 In October, the firm raised $1.25 billion by issuing 250 million new shares at $5 each to repay debt.
在演词、致词中 in off-the-cuff remarks
为防止癌症复发 in order to prevent his cancer from
在信息爆炸的社会 in our information overload society
近月越来越多人担心经济过热。 In recent months, fears that the economy is overheating have grown.
在偏远乡村地区 in remote rural areas
为中美军机相撞一事报复 in retaliation for last month‘s mid-air collision between a US spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet
情况严重 in serious conditon/in a
情况稳定,令人满意 in stable and
情况稳定 in stable condition/in a
(辩护律师)在求情时 in mitigation
该公司在十月发行二亿五千万股新股,每股作价五元,用以偿还债项。 In October, the firm raised $1.25 billion by issuing 250 million new shares at $5 each to repay debt.
在演词、致词中 in off-the-cuff remarks
为防止癌症复发 in order to prevent his cancer from
在信息爆炸的社会 in our information overload society
近月越来越多人担心经济过热。 In recent months, fears that the economy is overheating have grown.
在偏远乡村地区 in remote rural areas
为中美军机相撞一事报复 in retaliation for last month‘s mid-air collision between a US spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet
情况严重 in serious conditon/in a
情况稳定,令人满意 in stable and
情况稳定 in stable condition/in a
在阿拉伯世界/在阿拉伯国家 in the Arab world
指责。这种情况在中国社会尤甚。 In the Chinese
在殖民地时期 in the colonial period
政府将预留五千万元,在未来三年加强公务员培训计划,鼓励公务员持续进修,终身学习。 In the coming three years, the Government will provide $50 million to enhance its training programme for civil servants and encourage them to pursue continuous and life-long learning.
空袭限期逼近 in the countdown to possible air strikes
向登龙街方向逃走 in the direction of Tang Lung
在医疗事故里 in the event of blunders
在一列荃湾线列车的第一节车厢 in the first compartment of the Tsuen Wan line train
地区直选方面,以新界东选情最激烈。该区有十张名单,合共二十六名候选人竞逐五个议席。 In the geographical polls, the toughest fight will be in New Territories East, where 26 candidates on 10 tickets will be vying for five seats.
美国。 In the last 15 years, more than 700,000
在选举后期 in the later stages of the election
鉴于有良好的内外情况,财政司司长较早前已把二零零零年全年本港经济实质增长预测调高至百分之八点五。 In the light of the favourable internal and external conditions, the Financial Secretary has earlier revised upward his forecast of Hong Kong‘s economic growth in real terms for the year 2000 to 8.5%.
在德、智、体、群、美各方面/在德智体群美五方面 in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains
在十月展开的下一个立法年度 in the next legislative session that opens in October
在新界西北 in the Northwest New Territories
正准备地下核试 in the process of preparing for underground nuclear tests
快将投票的时候 in the run-up to the election
如此一来,香港就能吸引海外人才。 In this way, Hong Kong can become a magnet for overseas talent.
回归后的头几年/主权移交后的头几年 in those early years after the handover
(疾病)发生率 incident rate
倾斜轨道 Inclined Orbit
包括一名孕妇 including a pregnant woman
包括两名头破血流的男子 including at
贫富悬殊问题 income disparity
产权收益 income from property
市内电话受、发话专用电话 Incoming╱Outgoing Only
失禁病人 incontinent patient
提升能源效益 increase energy efficiency
分阶段加电话费 increase fixed line fees in phases
提升女性的性欲 increase secual desire