和同事展开三角恋 having affair with someone from
血糖过高 having blood glucose levels
性生活随便 having casual sex
没有指定继任人 having indicated no preferred successor
公共开支过份膨胀并长期高于经济增长率,已背离香港一向倡导的小政府原则。 Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted.
(服后)勃起较慢和有偏头痛 having slow erections
在竞选期间比民建联对手占上风 having the upper hand over his DAB rival during the campaign
做第一次产前检查 having their first
夏威夷岛 Hawaii Island
非法摆卖 hawk without a licence
小贩管理队 hawker control forces
鹰派作风 hawkishness
血糖过高 having blood glucose levels
性生活随便 having casual sex
没有指定继任人 having indicated no preferred successor
公共开支过份膨胀并长期高于经济增长率,已背离香港一向倡导的小政府原则。 Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted.
(服后)勃起较慢和有偏头痛 having slow erections
在竞选期间比民建联对手占上风 having the upper hand over his DAB rival during the campaign
做第一次产前检查 having their first
夏威夷岛 Hawaii Island
非法摆卖 hawk without a licence
小贩管理队 hawker control forces
鹰派作风 hawkishness
家用危险化学品 hazardous household chemicals
他指立法会议员在媒体面前「做骚」。 He accused legislators of grandstanding for the media.
他补充说民建联会检讨未来的路向,但不会改变党的政治立场。 He added that the DAB would review its way forward but would not change its political stance.
在判词中,他肯定了立法减薪的做法。立法减薪引起极大争议,曾激起三万名公务员上街示威。 He also held that the controversial use of legislation to enforce the cut - a factor which led around 30,000 civil servants to take to the streets - was valid.
他表示未来一周会公布刺激楼市的新措施。 He also said new measures to stimulate the property market would be announced within a week.
他早出世了六日。 He arrived six days earlier than
长只有小学或初中程度。 He attributed the rate to
他开始失眠。 He began losing sleep.
他到当地的一家医院求诊。 He checked
他只能进食流质食物。 He could take
他拒绝估计自己明年在立法会选举中的胜算。 He declined to anticipate his chance of winning a seat in next year‘s Legco elections.
他拒绝评论自己是否问责制的牺牲品。 He declined to say whether he had become a victim under the accountability system.
他否认设置了新关卡。 He denied new hurdles had been created.
他否认他是基于政治压力而辞职。 He denied there was any political pressure behind his resignation.
他发动战争不是为了竞选连任。 He didn‘t start a war to serve his re-election campaign.
他不同意民主派人士和部分学者指称政府是次决定等同平反暴动。 He disagreed with claims by pro-democracy politicians and some academics that the decision amounted to an official endorsement of organised doubts.
他强调楼市长远来说会受惠。 He emphasised that the property market would benefit in the long term.
司机疏散乘客 He evacuated his
他是统派人物 he favours eventual unification
他一度昏迷,但其后苏醒。 He fell into
他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民。 He gave up his American passport to become a British citizen.
他驾驶纪录良好。 He had a good driving record.
他有七分之一的机会在七十八岁生日前患上肺癌。 He has
他如不服北京市第一中级人民法院的判决,可在十日内提出上诉。 He has 10 days to appeal against the verdict by the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court.
象示人。 He has admitted an
他好好地利用了署理特首的身份,和普罗市民沟通。 He has made the best use of his position as acting chief executive to talk to people on the street.
他的总理职位一直非常稳固。 He has remained firmly in the prime minister‘s job.
他没有采取更彻底的方法,去解决香港税制的结构性问题。 He has shied away from introducing more radical changes to address the structural problems that afflict Hong Kong‘s tax system
他面对不少风浪,但他都能藉他的政治智能渡过难关。假如是其它政客,可能早就面临失败。 He has weathered many polictical storms, using his political wit to win through whee other poilticians would have faltered.
他希望在九龙西分拆名单可以协助民主派在该区全取四席。 He hoped that splitting the lists in Kowloon West could maximise the pro-democracy camp‘s chance of netting all four seats.