有安装铝窗 have installed windows with aluminium frames
没有足够安全使用资料 have insufficient safety information
长久以来享有低于市值水平的租金 have long enjoyed below-market rents
送院时血糖过低 have low blood sugar
在和谈上没有多大进展 have made little headway in peace talks
没有机会赢得预期在明年举行的大选 have no chance of winning the general election expected next year
不感冒 have no interest
对基准试本身并不反对 have no objection to the benchmark test itself
无晋升机会 have no promotion prospects
仍未接受政府的赔偿方案 have not accepted the government‘s compensation package yet
拥有核武 have nuclear weapons
已下令对是次事件展开内部调查 have ordered an
没有足够安全使用资料 have insufficient safety information
长久以来享有低于市值水平的租金 have long enjoyed below-market rents
送院时血糖过低 have low blood sugar
在和谈上没有多大进展 have made little headway in peace talks
没有机会赢得预期在明年举行的大选 have no chance of winning the general election expected next year
不感冒 have no interest
对基准试本身并不反对 have no objection to the benchmark test itself
无晋升机会 have no promotion prospects
仍未接受政府的赔偿方案 have not accepted the government‘s compensation package yet
拥有核武 have nuclear weapons
已下令对是次事件展开内部调查 have ordered an
对网上购物持正面态度 have positive attitudes to online shopping
曾经堕胎 have previously had had abortions
有亲中背景 have pro-Beijing backgrounds
对性有心理障碍 have psychological problems
逼他走上不归路 have pushed him to the point of no
质疑应否复课 have questioned the wisdom of the back-to-school order
毁誉参半 have received as much criticism as praise
再重新激活以巴和平进程 have reinvigorated the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
有居港权 have right of abode
在第三者面前发生性行为 have sex in the presence of
捣破一个由香港人做主脑的国际盗版集团 have smashed a Hong Kong-masterminded international piracy racket
对本地教育制度存有偏见 have some prejudice against the local education system
自十月中以来没有再出售新单位 have stopped putting new flats up for sale since mid-October
悖离了原教义 have strayed from the fundamentals of the faith
跌至三个月以来的最低价 have sunk to a three-month low
已向政府投诚 have surrendered to the Government
已采取预防措施 have taken preventive
采取了一些预防措施 have taken some
造成损失 have taken their toll
有权选择在何处配药 have the right to
必须遵守本地法律 have to comply with local laws
因收生不足而要缩班 have to cut classes due to falling enrolment
要留堂 have to go to detention
揭发自一九四九年以来最大宗金融丑闻 have uncovered the biggest financial scandal since 1949
(事业上)走过一条漫长和崎岖的路 have walked a long and winding road
没有尽力根除阿盖达组织和塔利班政权 haven‘t done enough to root out al-Qaeda and the Taliban
未婚产子/未婚怀孕 having a baby out of
持有假护照 having a bogus passport/having a forged passport
权责不清 having a confused mandate
负债高 having a high debt level