全球经济问题 global financial questions
全球海上遇险及安全系统 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (简称 GMDSS )
全球卫星定位系统 Global positioning system (简称 GPS )
泛欧数字式行动电话系统 Global System for Mobile Communication (简称 GSM )
全球气温上升 global warming (u); Global warming is a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth.
肾小球滤液 glomerular filtrate
掩饰日本战争暴行 gloss over Japanese wartime atrocities
粉饰战争暴行 gloss over wartime atrocities/whitewash its wartime atrocities
避谈彼此的分歧 glossed over their differences
按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost
自行入院 go into hospital
做私人执业医生 go into private
全球海上遇险及安全系统 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (简称 GMDSS )
全球卫星定位系统 Global positioning system (简称 GPS )
泛欧数字式行动电话系统 Global System for Mobile Communication (简称 GSM )
全球气温上升 global warming (u); Global warming is a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth.
肾小球滤液 glomerular filtrate
掩饰日本战争暴行 gloss over Japanese wartime atrocities
粉饰战争暴行 gloss over wartime atrocities/whitewash its wartime atrocities
避谈彼此的分歧 glossed over their differences
按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost
自行入院 go into hospital
做私人执业医生 go into private
去看一场魔术表演 go see a magic show
改邪归正、重新做人 go straight
上帝、天主 God
金饰 gold ornaments
钻石王老五 golden bachelor
金三角 Golden Triangle
白毛茛(提高免疫力) goldenseal
金丝腊 Gold-Lined Seabream
高盛 Goldman Sachs
金框眼镜 gold-rimmed glasses
耶稣受难日 Good Friday
伯乐 good judge of talent (the name of a legendary person in the state of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Period who excelled in evaluating horses)
商品及服务税 goods and services tax
友好举动 goodwill gestures
马悦然 Goran Malmqvist
福音 Gospel
八卦杂志 gossip magazines
着凉 got a chill
十七岁加入娱乐圈 got into showbiz at the age of 17
每月只有一两假期 got only one or two days off a month
取回欠薪 got our backpay
膝部联了七至八针 got seven or eight
管治危机 governance crisis
管治团队 governing team
政府拍卖官 government auctioneer
干部 government cadre
政府化验师郭大伟博士 Government Chemist Dr David G Clarke
政府部门 government departments
政府司机 government drivers
政府经济顾问邓广尧 government economist Tang Kwong-yiu