加纳(阿克拉) Ghana(Accra)
超高速巨型计算机 giant, ultra-high-speed computer
头晕 giddy
才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
资优学生 gifted students
秭赫 Giga Hertz (简称 GHz )
男妓 gigolo
银杏(增强记忆) ginkgo biloba
银杏酸 ginkgolic acid
香港女童军总会 Girl Guides Association, HK
今年女生的会考成绩比男生好,两者差距比往年大幅增加。 Girls have significantly widened the performance gap with boys in this year‘s Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examinations.
在性方面女生比男生开放。 Girls were more open than
超高速巨型计算机 giant, ultra-high-speed computer
头晕 giddy
才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
资优学生 gifted students
秭赫 Giga Hertz (简称 GHz )
男妓 gigolo
银杏(增强记忆) ginkgo biloba
银杏酸 ginkgolic acid
香港女童军总会 Girl Guides Association, HK
今年女生的会考成绩比男生好,两者差距比往年大幅增加。 Girls have significantly widened the performance gap with boys in this year‘s Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examinations.
在性方面女生比男生开放。 Girls were more open than
女童院 girls‘ homes
捐血 give blood/donate blood
宽免住宅差饷、水费和排污费 give concessions on rates and water and sewerage charges to domestic users
充分调动积极性和创造性 give full play to the initiative and creativity
替他按摩 give him a massage
令(中国)于空战中稍占优势 give it the edge in air combat
赋予市政局更多权力 give more power to the district councils
让行人有多些空间走 give pedestrians more space
给予某人空间做某事 give somebody breathing space to do something
赞扬某人 give somebody credit for something
给予某人自主权 give somebody discretionary powers
和某人做人工呼吸 give somebody the
给纳税人一个合理解释 give taxpayers a reasonable explanation
让台湾可以加入国际舞台 give the island access to international forums
只给表现较佳的员工加薪 give the pay rises only to the better performers
放弃美籍 give up his US passport
放弃学业,全职工作 give up their education to work full time
附送玩具 give-away toys
闭门羹 given a cold shoulder
容许两铁发展车站上盖物业,间接补助两家公司 given the MTR Corp (MTRC) and Kowloon-Canton Railway Corp (KCRC) land-development rights as an indirect grant to provide them financial support
民建联深信能够凭借强劲的资源和地区网络,安然渡过七一危机。 Given their strengths in party resources and neighbourhood networking, the DAB leaders had good reason to feel confident they would be able to survive the aftershock of July 1 unscathed.
批准本港银行开办人民币个人业务 giving approval for local banks to conduct personal renminbi business
赋予中央权力无限制地罢免行政长官 giving Beijing unlimited power to remove the next chief executive
生下某人 giving birth to somebody
赋予区议会更大权力 giving more power to the district councils
派米 giving out free rice
向他们竖起拇指 giving them thumbs-up sign
龟头 glans penis
玻璃柜 glass cabinet
全球祷告日 Global Day of Prayer