(疾病)产生抗药性 developed immunity to
地产商昨天促请政府不要再干预市场,但行政长官坚称政府有决心稳定楼市。 Developers yesterday asked the government not to intervene again in the market, but Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa said the administration was determined to maintain stability in the sector.
患乳癌 developing breast cancer
发展化学武器 developing chemical weapons
开发珠三角西部 developing the western part of the PRD
虔诚的 devout
电信总局 DGT
回教里的一种诵经,诵读神的九十九种名字 dhikr
拨接式数据通信 Dial-up Data Communication Service (简称 DDCS )
拨接线路 Dialup Line
拨号上网用户 dial-up users
洗肾机 dialysis machine
地产商昨天促请政府不要再干预市场,但行政长官坚称政府有决心稳定楼市。 Developers yesterday asked the government not to intervene again in the market, but Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa said the administration was determined to maintain stability in the sector.
患乳癌 developing breast cancer
发展化学武器 developing chemical weapons
开发珠三角西部 developing the western part of the PRD
虔诚的 devout
电信总局 DGT
回教里的一种诵经,诵读神的九十九种名字 dhikr
拨接式数据通信 Dial-up Data Communication Service (简称 DDCS )
拨接线路 Dialup Line
拨号上网用户 dial-up users
洗肾机 dialysis machine
钻石耳环 diamond earrings
钻石山 Diamond Hill
钻石山火葬场 Diamond Hill Crematorium
钻石山殡仪馆 Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour
钻石山金塔坟场 Diamond Hill Urn Cemetery
钻石戒指 diamond rings
钓鱼台 Diaoyutai
独裁统治 dictatorial rule
做心电图检查 did an electrocardiogram
做犯法的事,例如卖翻版货物 did illegal jobs such as selling pirated goods
没有出席记者招待会 did not appear at the company‘s press conference
看来没有自动洒水系统 did not appear to have an
没有设定输入内地专才数目上限 did not cap the number of imported mainland professionals
宣布不派股息 did not declare a dividend
亦遭拋售 did not escape the sell-off
不喜欢有政党背境的候选人 did not favour candidates with party affiliations
没有倒董立场 did not have an anti-Tung position
没有犯罪纪录、没有案底 did not have previous
缺乏资源设置储物柜 did not have the necessary resources to provide lockers
不利政党政治发展 did not help the development of party politics
没有直接评论命名风波 did not make a direct comment on the renaming row
不会为反对而反对 did not oppose for the sake of opposition
未有为民主进程定下时间表 did not provide a timetable for democratic development
没有公开招标 did not put it up for open tender
未因是次跌市而影响信心/对后市并不太悲观 did not read too much into the drop
拒绝回答政治敏感问题 did not reply to politically sensitive questions
无需相关经验 did not require relevant experience
不排除会(向示威者)作出起诉 did not rule out prosecutions
看来对人体无害 did not seem to be harmful to humans
没有呼救 did not shout for help