解密 Decryption
专属线路 Dedicated circuit
致力保存和弘扬中国文化 dedicated to preserving and disseminating Chinese culture
在某方面仍有严重分歧 deep differences remain over something
深水湾 Deep Water Bay
加深中日之间的友谊 deepen Japan‘s friendship with China
途污了的国旗 defaced flags
(黑客)入侵美国劳工署网站 defaced Web sites run by the US Department of Labour
挞订 defaulted on purchase of something
辩方大律师 defence counsel; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mai
国防部长迟浩田 Defence Minister General Chi Haotian
维持香港法治 defending the rule of law in Hong Kong
专属线路 Dedicated circuit
致力保存和弘扬中国文化 dedicated to preserving and disseminating Chinese culture
在某方面仍有严重分歧 deep differences remain over something
深水湾 Deep Water Bay
加深中日之间的友谊 deepen Japan‘s friendship with China
途污了的国旗 defaced flags
(黑客)入侵美国劳工署网站 defaced Web sites run by the US Department of Labour
挞订 defaulted on purchase of something
辩方大律师 defence counsel; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mai
国防部长迟浩田 Defence Minister General Chi Haotian
维持香港法治 defending the rule of law in Hong Kong
容许楼宇买卖印花税延至完成物业交易后才征收 deferring stamp duty payments due on home purchases until the completion of transactions
公然违抗 defiance
公然违抗的、挑衅的 defiant
灭赤措施 deficit-eliminating measures
亵渎回教圣地 defile the Muslim holy land
平息抗议 defuse a protest
纾缓民众不满情绪 defuse public discontent
拆除一个威力强大的炸弹 defused a powerful bomb
在室内抽湿 dehumidify indoor air
延迟饥饿感 delay hunger pangs
救人延误 delay in saving casualties
延迟加息 delay interest-rate rises
延迟售楼 delay sales of their projects
未有及时进行剖腹取子手术 delaying a
德里 Delhi
议而不决 deliberation without decision
包装精美 delicately packed
产权界定 delimitation of property rights
被摘牌的公司 delisted company
被除牌的股票 delisted stocks
生孩子 deliver babies
发表胜利演说 deliver his victory address
向乌克兰人民兑现承诺 deliver on his promises to the Ukrainian public
强烈警告某人 delivered a blunt warning to somebody
强烈抗议 delivered a strongly worded protest
宣读支持宣言 delivered a supportive statement
发表辞职声明 delivered his resignation statement
派传单 delivered pamphlets
发表讲话 delivering a speech
发表国情咨文 delivers his State of the Union address