高叫口号,要求停止把政府服务私有化,和反对商人治港 chanted slogans calling for an end to privatisation of government services and shouting their opposition to businessmen ruling Hong Kong
字符型 Character Mode
把两岸的关系定性为「国与国」的关系 characterised relations between the two sides as "state to state"
烧炭自杀 charcoal-burning
烧炭自杀的人 charcoal-burning victims
被某人/某单位控以3项控罪 charged by somebody with 3 offences
收取冷气费 charged extra for air-conditioning
专科门诊服务应该加价。 Charges for
慈善活动 charitable activity
慈善足球比赛 charity football matches
慈善团体 charity groups/charitable organisations/charity organisations
《花生漫画》作者舒尔茨 Charles Schulz
字符型 Character Mode
把两岸的关系定性为「国与国」的关系 characterised relations between the two sides as "state to state"
烧炭自杀 charcoal-burning
烧炭自杀的人 charcoal-burning victims
被某人/某单位控以3项控罪 charged by somebody with 3 offences
收取冷气费 charged extra for air-conditioning
专科门诊服务应该加价。 Charges for
慈善活动 charitable activity
慈善足球比赛 charity football matches
慈善团体 charity groups/charitable organisations/charity organisations
《花生漫画》作者舒尔茨 Charles Schulz
星象图 chart of the night sky
包机 charter a plane; a chartered plane
美国大通银行 Chase Manhattan Bank N.A.
追贼 chasing a suspect
聊天室 chat rooms
在出勤纪碌上做手脚 cheat on their time books
有外遇的丈夫 cheating husbands
车臣游击队/车臣恐怖分子 Chechen terrorists
车臣 Chechnya
检查铝窗 check aluminium-framed windows
看星座运程 checking out the horoscopes
身体检查 check-up/medical (n); have
芝士汉堡包 Cheeseburger
赤?角 Chek Lap Kok
浙江第一银行 Chekiang First Bank Ltd.
化学色素 chemical dyes
生化武器 chemical or biological weapons
化学废物处理中心 chemical waste treatment centre
药剂师 chemist/pharmacist
台湾陆委会副主委陈明通 Chen Ming-tong, vice-chairman of the island‘s Mainland Affairs Council
港澳办副主任陈佐洱 Chen Zuoer, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
成都 Chengdu
有四十万元银行票据遭退票 cheques worth $400,000 bounced
长洲 Cheung Chau
长洲东堤小筑 Cheung Chau‘s Bella Vista
张学明 Cheung Hok-ming
在昨日的本年最后一次卖地,长实以十三亿四千万投得西九龙临海地王,击倒四个竞投对手。 Cheung Kong (Holdings) beat four rivals to take a prime residential site on the West Kowloon waterfront for $1.34 billion at yesterday‘s final Government auction for this year.
长江实业副主席李泽钜 Cheung Kong (Holdings) deputy Chairman Victor Li Tzar-kuoi
社会工作者总工会会长张国柱 Cheung Kwok-che, chairman of the Hong Kong Social Workers‘ General Union
家庭与学校合作事宜委员会主席张国华 Cheung Kwok-wah, chairman of the Home-School Co-operation Committee