日本央行 Bank of Japan
银行保险库 bank vault
对该计划融资 bankroll the project
上月的破产申请个案比八月下降了百分之十二 bankruptcy petitions fell 12 per cent last month from August
除非银行体系结余持续下降,否则不太可能加息。 Banks would be unlikely to raise their rates unless there was a persistent decrease in the aggregate balance.
或以上人士捐血 banned blood donations
禁书 banned books
禁制生猪入口 banned imports of live
禁止使用某物 banned use of something
禁售活家禽 banning the sale of live poultry
洗礼、浸礼 baptism(n) /baptize (vt)/christen (vt); accept baptism
浸信会医院 Baptist Hospital
银行保险库 bank vault
对该计划融资 bankroll the project
上月的破产申请个案比八月下降了百分之十二 bankruptcy petitions fell 12 per cent last month from August
除非银行体系结余持续下降,否则不太可能加息。 Banks would be unlikely to raise their rates unless there was a persistent decrease in the aggregate balance.
或以上人士捐血 banned blood donations
禁书 banned books
禁制生猪入口 banned imports of live
禁止使用某物 banned use of something
禁售活家禽 banning the sale of live poultry
洗礼、浸礼 baptism(n) /baptize (vt)/christen (vt); accept baptism
浸信会医院 Baptist Hospital
(前)大律师公会主席梁家杰 Bar Association chairman Alan Leong Kah-kit
(前)大律师公会主席汤家骅 Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong SC
吧台 bar counter
禁止外国公司收购意大利银行 bar foreign takeovers of Italian banks
讽刺话 barbed comments
巴比土酸盐 Barbiturates
闯进一家饭店 barged into a hotel
巴拿巴爱心服务团 Barnabas Charitable Service Association
被拒入境 barred from entering Hong Kong/was denied entry to the mainland
禁止某人离境 barred somebody from leaving the country
禁止网友发表政治敏感言论 barring users from discussing sensitive political issues
基地台控制器 Base Station Controller (简称 BSC )
基地收发讯台 Base Transceiver Station (简称 BTS )
基频调制解调器 Baseband Modem
基本通话时间 basic airtime
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system for urban working people
基本职级公务员 basic rank staff
基本收费 basic rate
沉浸于 basking in
巴斯克人 Basques
浴室脚垫、浴缸防滑垫、浴缸垫 bath mat
泰国铢 bath, Bt
可享用流动电话号码可携服务 be able to switch to a new network and take their number with them
坚持应该削资 be adamant the cuts should go ahead
基于人道理由获准留港 be allowed to stay on humanitarian grounds
为其政策的成败直接向行政长官问责 be answerable to the Chief Executive for the success or failure of their policies
情况好转、康复 be better/get
小心,他是咸猪手。 Be careful, he‘s
被剥夺某物 be deprived of something
有损某事 be detrimental to something