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Oscars commence with fanfare, wisecracks   奥斯卡典礼开始于光耀和俏皮话中

BEIJING, Feb. 25 -- Steady rain was a mere annoyance at Sunday's Academy Awards, which got under way as a dual celebration honoring the best in film and signaling that life in Hollywood was good again after a debilitating writers strike. The show began with a fanfare and an effects-laden opening segment showing key characters and creatures from Hollywood's past lining Hollywood Boulevard. Just Trans!

北京,2月25日—持续降雨仅仅给周日的奥斯卡颁奖典礼带来小小的困扰,典礼作为优秀电影和好莱坞在编剧罢工后逐渐恢复的双重庆典依旧隆重举行。 典礼开始时,伴随光耀的特效,主角穿过星光大道陆续出场。


Actress Marion Cotillard smiles with her Oscar statuette after winning Best Actress for her work in "La Vie en Rose" at the 80th annual Academy Awards in Hollywood, Feb. 24, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
最佳女主角得主"玫瑰人生(La Vie en Rose)"的玛丽昂-歌迪亚手捧小金人, 充满成功的喜悦。(新华社/路透社 摄影)

Actor Javier Bardem accepts the Oscar for best supporting actor for "No Country for Old Men" during the 80th annual Academy Awards, the Oscars, in Hollywood Feb. 24, 2008. (Photo: chinadaily.com.cn/Agencies) Just Trans!

2008年2月24日,第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,"老人无依(No Country for Old Men)" 中的贾维尔-巴尔顿接受接受最佳男配角奖图片 马上翻译!

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