MIT develops ‘tractor beam’ for cells
In a feat that seems like something out of a microscopic version of Star Trek, MIT researchers have found a way to use a “tractor beam” of light to pick up, hold, and move around individual cells and other objects on the surface of a microchip.
The new technology could become an important tool for both biological research and materials research; say Matthew J. Lang and David C. Appleyard, whose work is being published in an upcoming issue of the journal Lab on a Chip. Lang is an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Appleyard is a graduate student in Biological Engineering.
Matthew J. Lang和David C. Appleyard表明,这项新技术有可能成为生物学研究和材料学研究的重要工具,他们的工作即将刊登在新一期的《芯片实验室》(Lab on a Chip)杂志上。Lang是在生物工程系和机械工程系的助理教授。Appleyard是生物工程系的一名研究生。
The idea of using light beams as tweezers to manipulate cells and tiny objects has been around for at least 30 years. But the MIT researchers have found a way to combine this powerful tool for moving, controlling and measuring objects with the highly versatile world of microchip design and manufacturing.
Optical tweezers, as the technology is known, represent “one of the world's smallest microtools,” says Lang. “Now, we're applying it to building [things] on a chip.” Says Appleyard, “We've shown that you could merge everything people are doing with optical trapping with all the exciting things you can do on a silicon wafer…There could be lots of uses at the biology-and-electronics interface.”
For example, he said, many people are studying how neurons communicate by depositing them on microchips where electrical circuits etched into the chips monitor their electrical behavior. “They randomly put cells down on a surface, and hope one lands on [or near] a [sensor] so its activity can be measured. With [our technology], you can put the cell right down next to the sensors.” Not only can motions be precisely controlled with the device, but it can also provide very precise measurements of a cell's position.
Optical tweezers use the tiny force of a beam of light from a laser to push around and control tiny objects, from cells to plastic beads. They usually work on a glass surface mounted inside a microscope so that the effects can be observed.
But silicon chips are opaque to light, so applying this technique to them not an obvious move, the researchers say, since the optical tweezers use light beams that have to travel through the material to reach the working surface. The key to making it work in a chip is that silicon is transparent to infrared wavelengths of light - which can be easily produced by lasers, and used instead of the visible light beams.
To develop the system, Lang and Appleyard weren't sure what thickness and surface texture of wafers, the thin silicon slices used to manufacture microchips, would work best, and the devices are expensive and usually available only in quantity. “Being at MIT, where there is such a strength in microfabrication, I was able to get wafers that had been thrown out,” Appleyard says. “I posted signs saying, ‘I'm looking for your broken wafers’.”
After testing different samples to determine which worked best, they were able to order a set that were just right for the work. They then tested the system with a variety of cells and tiny beads, including some that were large by the standards of optical tweezer work. They were able to manipulate a square with a hollow center that was 20 micrometers, or millionths of a meter, across - allowing them to demonstrate that even larger objects could be moved and rotated. Other test objects had dimensions of only a few nanometers, or billionths of a meter. Virtually all living cells come in sizes that fall within that nanometer-to-micrometers range and are thus subject to being manipulated by the system.
As a demonstration of the system's versatility, Appleyard says, they set it up to collect and hold 16 tiny living E. coli cells at once on a microchip, forming them into the letters MIT.
2.2 光镊——单光束梯度力光阱
日常,我们用来挟持物体的镊子,都是有形物体 ,我们感觉到镊子的存在,然后通过镊子施加一定的力钳住物体。捕获微小粒子的光镊是一个特别的光场,这个光场与物体相互作用时,物体整个受到光的作用从而达到被钳的效果,然后可以通过移动光束来实现迁移物体的目的。如果以形成光场的中心划定一个几微米方园的区域,你将会观察到一旦光子涉足这个禁区就会自动迅速坠落光的中心,表现出这个光场具有地心引力的效应。如将被光镊捕获的粒子比做坠入碗底的玻璃珠,那末,光镊又酷似一个陷阱。这个特别的光场造就了一个势能较低的区域(碗底),即从这区域内到区域外存在一个势垒(碗壁)。当物体的动能不足以克服势垒时,粒子将始终停留在阱内。虽然光与物体相互作用的过程我们是看不见的摸不着,其结果展现给我们的是,通过光镊作用的物体是在按特定路线运行。光镊搬运粒子的情形就酷是一个无形的机械手,这个看不见的机械手将按照您的意志形自如地控制目标粒子。
对于一台光强呈高斯型分布,功率为10mW的He-Ne激光,若光束发散角为2’,由此获得光束方向上的辐射亮度是太阳光的1万倍,若把该光束会聚到微米量级,由上述方法可计算出,在光束中心可产生106达因/平方米的辐射压力,如果把一个微米量级的电介小球置于此He-Ne激光光束焦点处,可使该小球产生108cm/s2≈105g的加速度,如此大的力使得激光动力学的开发应用成为可能。 |