姊妹船条款 sister ship clause包装不牢 slacks
救助费用 slavage charges {= s/c}; sue and labour charges {= s/l}
吊装或吊卸损失 sling loss
吊装或吊卸 slinging
承保条协议 slip agreement
承保单 slip policy
小额附加及退费条款 small additional or return premium clause {= Small A/P or R/P Clause}
小额赔款等联营方案 small claims etc. pool scheme
烟熏损失 smoke damage
已出售船舶 sold vessel
完好的价值 sound value
南美洲 South America {= SA}
南纬保证条款 southern latitude warranty
南方港口 southern range ports
特殊费 special charges {= sp. chgs.}
特殊理赔 special settlement
特约条件 special terms
特殊用语表 special wording scheme {= s.w.s.}
货物品质 specie
特约除外事项 specific exclusion
特约承保事项 specific inclusion
快艇条款 speedboat clause
发霉条款 spotting clause
分散危险 spreading the risk
荷兰标准船体保险单及条款 Standard Dutch Hull Form {= SDHF}
标准海上保险条款{协会条款} Standard Marine Clause
协会标准保险单条款 Standard Policy Form
统计报表 statistical statement
法定除外事项 statutory exclusions
小额附加保险费或退费放弃条款 sterline ap/rp waiver scheme
装卸工人责任 stevedore‘s liability
在避难港货物储存费用 storage of cargo
修理期间储存物品之消耗 stores consumed for removal
搁浅、下沈或燃烧 stranded, sunk or burnt {= s.s. or b.}
罢工[保险]条款 strikes cluase
罢工等危险 strikes etc. risks
罢工费用 strikes expenses
罢工、暴动及民众骚扰 strikes, riots and civil commotion {= s. r. and c.c.}; strike, riots and civil commotions {= strikes etc. risks}
罢工、暴动、民众骚扰及恶意行为 strikes, riots, civil commotion malicious damage {= s. r. c.c. and m.d.}
剥落条款 stripping clause
强势首席 strong lead