青椒炒肉丁 Saute pork with green pepper酱爆肉丁 Saute pork with soy bean sauce
菜心虾球 Saute prawn balls with heart of cabbage
炒菜心虾球 Saute Prawn balls with vegetable heart
鱼香虾球 Saute prawn meatballs′Chongqing style
蕃茄茄虾片 Saute prawn slices in tomato and bean curd
黄油汁煎大虾 Saute prawns in butter sauce
宫保大虾 Saute prawns with hot pepper and peanuts
炒油菜 Saute rape
盐煎肉 Saute salted pork slice
盐爆鸡条 Saute salted sliced chicken
煎咸茭白 Saute salted wild rice stem
海参鱼肚 Saute sea cucumber with fish maw
绍子海参 Saute sea cucumber with hot sauce and minced meat
海参肉片 Saute sea cucumber with pork
葱烧海参 Saute sea cucumber with scallions
冬笋炒肉丝 Saute shredded pork with bamboo shoots
葱头炒牛肉丝 Saute shredded with onions
油泡生虾 Saute shrimp
炒虾仁 Saute shrimp with peas
炒凤尾虾 Saute shrimps
生炒鸡片 Saute sliced chicken
冬笋鸡片 Saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots
炒山鸡片 Saute sliced pheasant
掐菜炒熏鸡丝 Saute smoked chicken shreds and bean sprouts
生偏菠菜 Saute spinach
炒菠菜 Saute spinach
芝麻菠菜 Saute spinach with sesame seeds
油泡鲜鱿 Saute squid
白汁鱿鱼 Saute Squid with white Sauce
鲜蘑豌豆 Saute straw mushrooms with peas
蟹黄双菜 Saute two kinds of vegetables with crab roe
炒双泥 Saute two purées
炒青菜 Saute vegetable
随炒素菜 Saute vegetables
银耳素烩 Saute vegetables with white fungus
烧三鲜 Saute“three delicacies”
炒雪豆 Sauted China peas
鸡油菜心 Sauted Chinese cabbage in chicken oil
红油炒鸡丁 Sauted diced chicken in chilli oil
红汁蘑菇煎鱼 Sauted fish with mushroom and red sauce
京酱肉丝 Sauted meat shreds with soy bean paste