草菇芦笋 Straw mushroom with asparagus鲜蘑兰笋 Straw mushroom with bamboo shoots
鲜蘑时菜 Straw mushroom with fresh vegetables
鲜蘑扒鹑蛋 Straw mushrooms sautéed with quail eggs
香菇鸭掌 Straw mushrooms with duck web
鲜虾扒草蘑 Straw mushrooms with shrimps
瓤竹笋 Stuffed bamboo shoots
瓤豆腐 Stuffed bean curd
瓤筋叶 Stuffed bean curd leaf rolls with minced pork
原爆瓤豆腐 Stuffed bean curd soup
瓤鸡 Stuffed chicken
瓤黄瓜 Stuffed cucumber
瓤土鲮鱼 Stuffed dace
大酿鸭脯 Stuffed duck breast in wine
瓤青椒 Stuffed green pepper
烧瓤用明虾拼乳鸽 Stuffed king prawns and roast pigeon
瓤冬菇盒 Stuffed mushroom
瓤柿子椒 Stuffed pepper
装馅烤小牛肉 Stuffed roast veal
瓤羊肚菌 Stuffed sheep′s tripe with mushroom
蕃茄肉包 Stuffed tomato
酱瓤肚 Stuffed tripe in soy sauce
瓤冬瓜 Stuffed winter melon(white gourd)
栗子鸡 Stwed chicken with chestnuts
鲜蘑素烩 Stwed mixed vegetables with straw mushroom
牛油布丁 Suet pudding
冰糖莲籽 Sugar candy lotus seeds
冰糖肉 Sugar Candy pork
糖开水 Sugar water
马粒糕 Sugary sponge cake
鸡素烧 Sukiyaki
水果冰淇淋 Sundae
玉宇葵花 “ Sunflower of universe”cold dish
葵花扣豆腐 “ Sunflower”steamed bean curd
晚霞映牛舌 Sunset ox tongue(tongue in tomato sauce)
日光槽糕 Sunshine cake
燕窝粑 Swallow′s nest cake
酸果咕噜肉 Sweet and soup pork
甜酸鸡 Sweet and sour chicken
古老鸡 Sweet and sour chicken
糖醋鸡条 Sweet and sour chicken slices
糖醋里脊 Sweet and sour fillet