卤猪肝 Spiced pig′s liver卤猪肚 Spiced pig′s stomach
五香禾花雀 Spiced rice birds
酱泡肉片 Spiced sliced pork
五香熏牛肉 Spiced smoked beef
五香水鸭 Spiced teal
西卤鲍鱼 Spicy abalone,Xi‘an style
五香蚕豆 Spicy broad beans
酒香鸡 Spicy chicken with wine
椒盐炸鸡 Spicy deep fried chicken
兰花豆干 Spicy diced bean curd
宫保鸡丁 Spicy diced chicken with peanuts
西卤鸭掌 Spicy duck′s web,Xi‘an style
宫保肉花 Spicy fatty pork with peanuts
椒盐鱼 Spicy fried fish
椒盐猪排 Spicy fried pork chop
椒盐排骨 Spicy fried spareribs(Shanghai style)
西卤凤腰 Spicy Kidney,Xi‘an style
五香白鸽 Spicy pigeon
镇江餚肉 Spicy pork,Zhenjiang style
五香鹌鹑 Spicy quail
西卤干贝 Spicy scallop,Xi‘an style
五香茶蛋 Spicy tea boiled eggs
椒麻肚片 Spied tripe with chili sauce
姜汁菠菜 Spinach in ginger sauce
波菜泥卧果 Spinach with poached egg
干豌豆瓣肉汤 Split pea broth
海绵布丁 Sponge pudding
茄汁斑块 Spotted grouper in tomato sauce
桶子鸡 Spring chicken in salt
油泼童子鸡 Spring chicken with boiling oil
姜汁仔鸡 Spring chicken with ginger sauce
碧绿花子鸡 Spring chicken with green vegetables
春卷 Spring roll
鱿鱼汤 Squid soup
荔枝鱿鱼 Squid with lichees
吉利牛排 Steak cutlets
腰肉牛排 Steak with cashew nuts
清蒸杂烩 Steamed assorted ingredients
清蒸糟青鱼 Steamed black carp with wine
馒头 Steamed bread
小窝头 Steamed bread made with corn flour