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中文饮食、菜名词汇   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y


鲜笋炒乌贼    Fried cuttlefish with fresh bamboo shoots

咸菜炒乌贼    Fried cuttlefish with salted vegetable

果仁鸡丁    Fried diced chicken with nuts

榄仁鸡丁    Fried diced chicken with olives

榄仁肉丁    Fried diced pork with olives

鲜菇烧干贝    Fried dried scallop with fresh mushrooms

生炒吊片    Fried dry cuttlefish

锅烧鸭    Fried duck

红烧半鸭    Fried duck in soy sauce

茄汁煎软鸭    Fried duck in tomato sauce

汤片鸭子    Fried duck slice

炒鸭舌掌    Fried duck tongue and web

菠萝软鸭    Fried duck with pineapple

炒鸭肠    Fried duck′s intestines

煎粉果莲汤    Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup

猪肉锅贴    Fried dumpling with pork

煎馄饨    Fried dumplings

锅贴    Fried dumplings

煎鳝    Fried eel

红烧鳝    Fried eel in brown sauce

生炒鳝片    Fried eel slices

烩敏士托蛋配米饭    Fried egg on minced meat with rice

炸春段    Fried egg rolls

煎蛋三味夹    Fried egg sandwich

煎蛋    Fried eggs

清煎鸡蛋    Fried eggs

笋菇煎蛋    Fried eggs with mushroom and bamboo shoots

炒黄浦蛋    Fried eggs,Shanghai style

粉汁里脊片    Fried fillet in sauce

面包粉炸鱼    Fried fillet of fish in bread crumbs

茄椒葱煎鱼    Fried fillet of fish with tomato and pepper,Spanish style

煎鱼    Fried fish

茄汁鱼球    Fried fish balls in tomato sauce

挂绿鱼球    Fried fish balls with vegetable

土豆泥清煎鱼饼    Fried fish cutlet with mashed potato

茄汁鱼块    Fried fish fillet with tomato sauce

油浸鱼    Fried fish in soy sauce

酱汁活鱼    Fried fish in soy sauce

鞑靼式炸鱼    Fried fish in tartar sauce

油爆鱼肝丁    Fried fish liver dices

虾仁鱼肚    Fried fish maw with shrimps

滑溜鱼片    Fried fish slices in sauce

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