牛肉锅粑菜 Beef with crispy rice青椒牛肉 Beef with green pepper
菜心牛肉 Beef with heart of cabbage
双冬牛肉 Beef with mushroom and bamboo shoots
陈皮牛肉 Beef with orange peel
雪豆牛肉 Beef with snow peas
粉丝牛肉丝 Beef with vermicelli
北京豌豆黄 Beijing sweet pease pudding
比利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken
响铃鸽蛋 Bell-shaped pigeon egg
鸡丝燕窝汤 Bird′s nest and sliced chicken soup
鸟窝山鸡片 Bird′s nest and sliced pheasant
清汤燕菜 Bird′s nest consommé
鲜奶炖宫燕 Bird′s nest in milk
凤凰炖鸽燕 Bird′s nest soup with pigeon
鸡茸燕窝 Bird′s nest with chicken
蟹肉燕窝 Bird′s nest with crab meat
燕窝鸽蛋 Bird′s nest with pigeon eggs
生日蛋糕 Birthday cake
饼干 Biscuits
黑鱼子 Black caviar
老鸡蛋托黑鱼子 Black caviar with boiled egg
鸡油冬菇 Black mushroom in chicken oil
血肠 Blood sausage
红烩虎皮鸽蛋 Boiled and fried pigeon eggs in brown sauce
煮牛肉 Boiled beef
水煮牛肉 Boiled beef
开水白菜 Boiled cabbage
盐水鸡 Boiled chicken with salt
葱油白鸡 Boiled chicken with scallions
氽鸡茸五丝 Boiled downy chicken with five shredded ingredients
盐水鸭 Boiled duck with salt
三鲜水饺 Boiled dumplings with “three fresh delicacies”
酱烩蛋 Boiled eggs cooked in soy Sauce
白煮鱼 Boiled fish
煮鱼 Boiled fish
黄油汁煮鱼煮土豆 Boiled fish and potato with hutter
煮鱼煮土豆 Boiled fish potato
煮鱼配菜 Boiled fish with vegetable
黄油扁豆 Boiled green long beans with butter sauce
煮石斑配蛋黄汁 Boiled grouper with mayonnaise
煮羊腿 Boiled leg mutton