下届立法会选举投民主派议员一票 vote for the pro-democracy camp in the next Legco elections
投票支持民主派等同投票支持普选 vote for the pro-democracy camp is tantamount to voting for universial suffrage
按中央政府意愿投票 vote in accordance with the central government‘s wishes
投票决定是否独立 vote on whether to secede
点票人员 vote-counters
造票 vote-rigging
民意调查显示,程介南丑闻曝光后,市民对各大政党的信任度下降。 Voters have become more sceptical about major political parties since the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal broke, according to a poll.
选民从媒体上得知陈伟业势危, 反应迅速,把选票都投向他,从而分薄了李永达的票。 Voters have responded swiftly to media reports that Albert Chan Wai-yip was vulnerable and passed their votes to him, thereby diluting the votes of Lee Wing-tat.
选民说谢伟俊和白韵琴为沉闷的选战增添不少色彩。今次补选相对九月时的选举较为沉闷。 Voters said the pair had brightened up a rather mundane campaign compared to the full Legco poll in September.
选民会倾向投票给民进党。 Voters would tend towards voting for the Democratic Progressive Party
誓言公投议题不会涉及「统独」 vowed that any referendum would not touch on "independence or reunification"
誓要成为巴勒斯坦的烈士 vowed to become a martyr for the Palestinian cause
投票支持民主派等同投票支持普选 vote for the pro-democracy camp is tantamount to voting for universial suffrage
按中央政府意愿投票 vote in accordance with the central government‘s wishes
投票决定是否独立 vote on whether to secede
点票人员 vote-counters
造票 vote-rigging
民意调查显示,程介南丑闻曝光后,市民对各大政党的信任度下降。 Voters have become more sceptical about major political parties since the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal broke, according to a poll.
选民从媒体上得知陈伟业势危, 反应迅速,把选票都投向他,从而分薄了李永达的票。 Voters have responded swiftly to media reports that Albert Chan Wai-yip was vulnerable and passed their votes to him, thereby diluting the votes of Lee Wing-tat.
选民说谢伟俊和白韵琴为沉闷的选战增添不少色彩。今次补选相对九月时的选举较为沉闷。 Voters said the pair had brightened up a rather mundane campaign compared to the full Legco poll in September.
选民会倾向投票给民进党。 Voters would tend towards voting for the Democratic Progressive Party
誓言公投议题不会涉及「统独」 vowed that any referendum would not touch on "independence or reunification"
誓要成为巴勒斯坦的烈士 vowed to become a martyr for the Palestinian cause
誓要改革此机构 vowed to clean up the agency
誓言会将行动升级 vowed to escalate actions
她对于沙士后出现 V形反弹感到惊喜,因为业界一般认为不会复苏得这么快。
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